Hey all! Is it normal for a hen rearing chicks to go through a molt or partial molt this time of year? My silkie mom looks all raggedy and is losing some downy feathers. I looked for lice and mites but saw nothing.
Yes. When I HAD a broody, she molted at that time. Normal.
We put ours in ourselves. It's not as hard as you would think. We built dutch doors for the individual pens for our alpacas, so that we could close the top or bottom if needed. My husband used a reciprocating saw, ans cut out the wall at the door measurement, plus the trim width. He framed the opening with 2x4's. We went to Menards and got the metal trim pieces to go around. All you would have to get special besides the trim, would be metal barn screws, the kind with the rubber seal on them. It's intimidating looking at the side of a pole barn, not wanting to screw it up, but it's much easier than you would think. A lot cheaper to do yourself.

The green you see around the door on the inside is paint. It's actually all wood on the inside.

There was a window before we put in the doors. We sort of winged it. We went by the service door design that we already had in the barn, to install the new doors.
Ooohhhh those turkey poults are sooo cute
My husband actually told me no for the first time (pertaining to poultry) and wouldn't let me get any at Rural King. Of course its partially my own fault, since our RK is now enforcing the 6 minimum rule, and I really don't need any more chicks at this exact point in time. I've gone from 8 to 36 in the last 4 months
. 12 out of 13 Easter Eggers hatching didn't help those numbers any lol. When I read reviews and posts about the new incubator I got, it said expect only a 25% hatch rate for the first time. I set 13 thinking I'd get between 3-6....oooooopsies.

Here is my Blondie who gets to stay no matter what it ends up being. My first hatch ever and was yellow instead of the usual chipmunk, I took that to mean it was special
. Also (as if I needed another reason) It loves being held by me!!
She is adorable!

Hi All! I am running by for a quick visit! I started my new job last month and freaking love it! The only thing I don't love is the drive! An hour each way! I will be starting working from home one day a week this week and will eventually be able to go up to another work from home day a week. I got kind of used to being bored at my job and spending all day online, and I am now so busy at work I can't get on! I am just so happy I made the move to the new company.

My evenings have also been busy with seed/fertilizer spreading and a ton of new fencing! I did want to share the fence posts I use in case anyone was looking for a really nice looking/easy fencing solution. They are priced about the same as wood posts but are made out of a composite material that won't break or shatter, and they pound in like t-posts (but look like nice wood or pvc fencing). They are also self insulating so you can use them with electric fencing. They come in white, black, cedar or hickory colors. Pasture pro fence posts.

Picture from the site, I was too lazy to get pics of mine (mine are the hickory color)

In other news, I have three broodies that I am currently battling. Two silkied ameraucana and a bielefelder/isbar mix. Seriously, one of the reasons I wanted to get rid of those isbars is that they were so broody! I also caught about 10 of the girls fighting over eating an egg yesterday. So now I get to figure out how to retrofit some roll out nest boxes. Grrrrrrr. My only consolation is that it might also help with the broody issue. If they can't find any eggs they might give up!
I really like the fence, we are adding pastures too, and those will be hotwired. So far the only broodies here are geese and a Turken hen luckily.
I will have to do some measuring and get back with you. I dont remember. They were all individual boards. I believe the backs are 1x4's. We built the square, screwed the 1x4's onto it and then built the X after and screwed it on. If I remember right. No seal just painted them well. The chickens use the main door. Hubby wouldnt let me cut chicken doors in the barn if I wanted to. I'll double check my info and measure tomorrow. You really had to do some digging to find that post!
Well, the coop has a floor lol...we are working on framing the walls this week. Everything is so behind schedule because of the weather we've had. I am so excited for all this sunshine! I'm also tying to get the garden planted. Cool weather veggies were planted in early March and growing nicely already. Time for my seedlings to go out today. :yiipchick I wish I could share pics. But my one year old shattered my phone this week. I guess if you put a phone in a mixing bowl and press on it, you magically lose the entire screen. It took no pressure at all. I will get some pics soon with DHs iPad. Oh and 6 Australorps followed me home last week....I have officially banned myself from any store that sells chicks. I have a I told my husband if we need feed, he HAS to go. He just laughed at me. I was serious! Lol!:lol:
Ooohhhh those turkey poults are sooo cute :lol: My husband actually told me no for the first time (pertaining to poultry) and wouldn't let me get any at Rural King. Of course its partially my own fault, since our RK is now enforcing the 6 minimum rule, and I really don't need any more chicks at this exact point in time. I've gone from 8 to 36 in the last 4 months :oops: . 12 out of 13 Easter Eggers hatching didn't help those numbers any lol. When I read reviews and posts about the new incubator I got, it said expect only a 25% hatch rate for the first time. I set 13 thinking I'd get between 3-6....oooooopsies. Here is my Blondie who gets to stay no matter what it ends up being. My first hatch ever and was yellow instead of the usual chipmunk, I took that to mean it was special :lau . Also (as if I needed another reason) It loves being held by me!!
Beautiful chick :) I'm anxious to see how his/her feathers come in. I'm having the opposite problem with my DH. He told me a few days ago that he wants to raise turkeys next year. I was a little surprised. I didn't think he'd wanna see any more birds for a while, since every time I go to the feed store, I come home with more. :confused:
Well, the coop has a floor lol...we are working on framing the walls this week. Everything is so behind schedule because of the weather we've had. I am so excited for all this sunshine! I'm also tying to get the garden planted. Cool weather veggies were planted in early March and growing nicely already. Time for my seedlings to go out today. :yiipchick I wish I could share pics. But my one year old shattered my phone this week. I guess if you put a phone in a mixing bowl and press on it, you magically lose the entire screen. It took no pressure at all. I will get some pics soon with DHs iPad. Oh and 6 Australorps followed me home last week....I have officially banned myself from any store that sells chicks. I have a I told my husband if we need feed, he HAS to go. He just laughed at me. I was serious! Lol!:lol:
Beautiful chick :) I'm anxious to see how his/her feathers come in. I'm having the opposite problem with my DH. He told me a few days ago that he wants to raise turkeys next year. I was a little surprised. I didn't think he'd wanna see any more birds for a while, since every time I go to the feed store, I come home with more. :confused:

Why make him wait til nexr year? (Insert winking and nudging at your leisure)
Weekly Chicken Event Post!

We have many of the 2016 swap meet and auction dates available on the Indiana BYC'ers Events Calendar! Check for the locations on the Indiana BYC'ers Map! I also have each event linked to it's website/Facebook page for additional show details. If you have additional shows or dates/info for Indiana Poultry Breeders Association Show or White River Poultry Club Show, please message me.

Friday, April 15 - Dinky's Auction Center in Montgomery, Indiana
Saturday, April 16 - Croy Creek Trader's Fair in Reelsville, IN
Sunday, April 17 - Croy Creek Trader's Fair in Reelsville, IN

If you do go, try wearing your official Indiana BYC T-shirt and see if you spot anyone else there! Also, please take pictures to share!

Upcoming Events:

Friday, April 22 - Veedersburg Barn Sale in Veedersburg, Indiana
Friday, April 22 - Dinky's Auction Center in Montgomery, Indiana
Saturday, April 23 - Sandcut Trader's Fair in Terre Haute, Indiana - Facebook Page
Sunday, April 24 - Sandcut Trader's Fair in Terre Haute, Indiana - Facebook Page
Friday, April 29 - Dinky's Auction Center in Montgomery, Indiana
Saturday, April 30 - Croy Creek Trader's Fair in Reelsville, IN
Sunday, May 1 - Croy Creek Trader's Fair in Reelsville, IN
Friday, May 6 - Dinky's Auction Center in Montgomery, Indiana
Saturday, May 7 - Sandcut Trader's Fair in Terre Haute, Indiana - Facebook Page
Sunday, May 8 - Sandcut Trader's Fair in Terre Haute, Indiana - Facebook Page
Sunday, May 8 - Golden Horseshoe Saddle Club/Knox Swap Meet
Friday, May 13 - Dinky's Auction Center in Montgomery, Indiana
Friday, May 13 - Veedersburg Barn Sale in Veedersburg, Indiana
Saturday, May 14 - Croy Creek Trader's Fair in Reelsville, IN
Sunday, May 15 - Croy Creek Trader's Fair in Reelsville, IN
Friday, May 20 - Dinky's Auction Center in Montgomery, Indiana
Saturday, May 21 - Sandcut Trader's Fair in Terre Haute, Indiana - Facebook Page
Sunday, May 21 - Sandcut Trader's Fair in Terre Haute, Indiana - Facebook Page
Friday, May 27 - Dinky's Auction Center in Montgomery, Indiana
Friday, May 27 - Veedersburg Barn Sale in Veedersburg, Indiana
Saturday, May 28 - Croy Creek Trader's Fair in Reelsville, IN
Sunday, May 29 - Croy Creek Trader's Fair in Reelsville, IN

**This information does not guarantee the event will happen. Please check the auction or swap meet website/Facebook page to confirm dates/times before you travel!
Well, the coop has a floor lol...we are working on framing the walls this week. Everything is so behind schedule because of the weather we've had. I am so excited for all this sunshine! I'm also tying to get the garden planted. Cool weather veggies were planted in early March and growing nicely already. Time for my seedlings to go out today.
I wish I could share pics. But my one year old shattered my phone this week. I guess if you put a phone in a mixing bowl and press on it, you magically lose the entire screen. It took no pressure at all. I will get some pics soon with DHs iPad. Oh and 6 Australorps followed me home last week....I have officially banned myself from any store that sells chicks. I have a I told my husband if we need feed, he HAS to go. He just laughed at me. I was serious! Lol!

Quote: Turkeys are easy. Poults can be fragile the first 3 days, I will not sell any until they are past that stage, personally.

Quote: LOL
No kidding. @Greenthumb83 It depends on what you plan for, do you want a meat only breed, or a heritage turkey? Meat turkeys are broad breasted but will not reproduce. After 6 months old, they are huge, and the bone structure won't support the weight. Flip (heart attack) is common in them. Anyone getting a BB turkey needs to understand they wont live much beyond 6 months.
Heritage breeds will reproduce naturally. They live for years. here is a link from the Livestock conservancy:
Okay gang...I have a few quick questions I'm thinking you can help me with, so here goes...

1.) How young can chicks be and still effectively use those little screw in cup waterers? Our chicks keep scratching and throwing shavings over the edges of the waterer and it seems like the debris acts like a wick, siphoning just enough water to slowly empty it and get the wood shavings nice and damp. We've got two Black Sex Link pullets that are now about the size of a robin and four other chicks that are about 4 weeks old. I watched all of them drink out of the little cup, but I'm not sure they're pushing the little yellow plunger thing down enough to refill the cup. I still have the other waterer in the brooder with them, but I'm going through shavings like crazy! Any tips or thoughts?

2.) When we first got our chicks, I noticed one of the RIR's (we call her Cadbury) had what I'll call sleepy eyes. Her eyes seemed like they were about 80% open most of the time while the others' eyes were wide open. She seemed maybe a little less active than the others but overall pretty good. We're now coming up on 3 weeks since we got them. She still seems okay. She's feathering out just like the others, but doesn't seem to be growing as fast. No pasty butt problems or anything. She acts just like the other RIR but is noticeably smaller now. Is it unusual to have one grow slower like that? If not, do you think she was sick and just fell a little behind? Could she still be sick but not have any noticeable symptoms?

3.) The BSLs are getting pretty big. I'm thinking they're probably a week older than our other chicks. They're feathering out all over (minus the head) and look like ratty looking crows sitting along the road. Our other chicks are coming along nicely but are nowhere near as advanced. Wings are feathering out and tail feathers starting to grow. Any major issues that I need to be thinking about or planning for because of the differences in their development? Am I better off keeping them all on the same timeline as a group or when the time comes, should I send the BSLs to the coop and keep the other 4 in the brooder?

4.) What does DH stand for? Thinking H may be husband but there's all kinds of things the D could be! LOL!

THanks in advance for the advice!

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