Lovely girls and handsome young man, there!
Muscovies kind of go the same route as Naked Neck chickens for me. I think they're adorable, but everyone else here thinks they're ugly.

I like your idea for a mother's day gift. All I want for my birthday this year (which unfortunately isn't for a while still...) is to build on to the coop.
The best kind of gift for those of us caught by the poultry bug.

Agree 100% with both of these.

Sounds like a nice addition! That's the one thing my coop is lacking, a storage area. The girls don't mind, of course, because throwing my coop cleaning supplies to the floor and pooping on them is just thrilling apparently.
I second the muscovies thing and raise you turkeys. Pretty much everyone has already made up their minds that turkeys are stupid and ugly, but the more I get used to them, the more awesome they are (and consequently less ugly, and even--dare I say it--handsome).

I'm cheered that even a few of you disagree with my feelings of being a terrible mother. My youngest (the one who is most into poultry) is seven now. The kids are pretty much at the "mom's gonna do what mom's gonna do" phase. They're still hurt, and I know I'm going to pay for it when they go through puberty and again when they choose my nursing home. It seems like it's always their favorites that die or have to be rehomed.

I had to go without a storage area for the first coop, and I really, really didn't want to put up with more crap on every feed bag and having to keep my vet supplies in the house. Nope, outside and safe from the poop they're going to be! Whoohoo!
I'm going to get a sick ward and an outside brooder, and everything will be peachy keen and Fort Knoxed. No more chickies or sickies in my living room!
Been a bit worried about my Crashie duck lately. She's been dozy off and on for a while, and when I treated her with Duramycin-10 (as was recommended for what I had suspected was ailing her), she reacted poorly to it and developed respiratory symptoms.
Her respiratory symptoms are clearing up now that she's off the Duramycin, but I still worry about her dozing so much.

Anyway, she was being a squirt today, so I had to get some pictures of her.
Being a cutie.

This is what happens when the camera gets too close.

Playing innocent. "Who, me?"

She has a few things to say to the world!!

Have you tried b vitamins and more time outside in the water? Some sunlight might do her well, too.
Young ducklings hanging with the older clan.
@lonelyPageTurne your chocolate girl has fit in very nicely. The boys went nuts over her but my hen took some warming up!

My dominant drake is getting very handsome if I do say so myself!! I love the black markings in the caruncles. One day I would love to have the wild Muscovy look.

Very handsome fella! I see ripple in his lineage too. Your scovys are looking awesome!

Framed in the inner door, which will separate my area (feed storage, medications, possibly a brooder and/or sick ward) from the roosts and chicken area. The nest boxes (two big for turkeys, eight smaller ones for chickens) form a half-wall. Looking up automatic feeder plans. Have one, but it spills crumbles everywhere.

The pvc style feeders are great. Someday I will have more, mine got brittle and had to toss it.
we have pips !
should be seeing some baby ancaunas by next couple of days & some iowa blues by the following day!

Exciting, cant wait to see!
Quote: Its a big relief to finally feel your birds are secure. I brooded in the porch for 3 years, and it was dusty, dirty and a huge mess. Now everything is in the office trailer, one space. Its nice to get my house a little more "normal" again! You will really appreciate the change and make your life easier to have a workspace, and a secure coop.
Once hatching and orders are done this season, the " chicken trailer" gets a makeover. I am keeping a journal of what will improve it. Make things so much easier and simpler. And just maybe get away for camping and fishing again, parent care allowing!
Youngest DD graduates college Sunday, and her DH-to-be has a nice surprise party planned after. So excited for her, and her life events. My new SIL to be is just an awesome young man, considerate and smart, planning for their future. I am so proud of both of them.
Got all the goats hooves trimmed today. did my vaccinations and wormings. My lil buckling is just a babydoll, will run to me as soon as he sees me. He will likely be staying. He is such an adorable fella already and very affectionate to people. Has impressive type. Both parents are registered Nubian but am a bit nervous using a large breed for my Oberhasli doe. I may look into a buckling swap so I have an unrelated fella to Cocoa. So many decisions! Either way he will stay, and may just be a wether in the herd. His mom, Cocoa is settling into a milking schedule finally.
Spent a long day outside again today. Have vinyl down on the floor and the nest boxes almost complete. Run only needs netting over the top.

Big Wellie hatched seven babies and brought them out to see everyone. I don't have the greatest hope for one, but the other six look great.

Rehomed all three Cochin adults and seven Brahmas. Still have Wun Wun for chickrookie, but rehomed all of my remaining birds because Cochins and Brahmas are friendly, big, and slow, and those make them ideal targets and the only adult birds to date that this child has killed. Not going to go through that again. Two of the hens actually belonged to my youngest (who's claimed a lot of birds here, but these two were actually purchased by him last year)... and I didn't tell him. This family has three big dogs which help keep that child away from their chickens, and they're also working hard to make their coop a regular Fort Know special. Brahmas are special like that. I'm missing Peepers (a Brahma chick I gave them after their smallest, friendliest chick mysteriously disappeared) because he's so friendly. My son really latched onto him, too. I feel like such a terrible parent, but I can't see these birds murdered like this. My son's birds weren't the friendliest, by any means (common problem with hatchery Light Brahmas), and I'm keeping other birds he's claimed (because they're friendly or he's claimed them for some other reason). I'm a bad mommy.
I agree with everyone else... You are not a bad Mommy!! So stop it. You have to make hard decisions sometimes, it's just part of living. They will understand someday. Pm-ing you.

Young ducklings hanging with the older clan.
@lonelyPageTurne your chocolate girl has fit in very nicely. The boys went nuts over her but my hen took some warming up!

My dominant drake is getting very handsome if I do say so myself!! I love the black markings in the caruncles. One day I would love to have the wild Muscovy look.

I love the blk/wht Muscovy's and this guy is awesome love his tiger striping...

Been a bit worried about my Crashie duck lately. She's been dozy off and on for a while, and when I treated her with Duramycin-10 (as was recommended for what I had suspected was ailing her), she reacted poorly to it and developed respiratory symptoms.
Her respiratory symptoms are clearing up now that she's off the Duramycin, but I still worry about her dozing so much.

Anyway, she was being a squirt today, so I had to get some pictures of her.
Being a cutie.

This is what happens when the camera gets too close.

Playing innocent. "Who, me?"

She has a few things to say to the world!!

Love this duck, I love that breed!! So beautiful, dont know what it is but this breed just does it for me. I sure hope She gets to feeling better real soon, will hate to hear something has happened to her as I know you will devastated.
I book marked this page just so I can come back and look at her from time to time... i that weird... now that the house fell aprt, I wont be getting any. and I had planed on getting about 6 of them.

Once hatching and orders are done this season, the " chicken trailer" gets a makeover. I am keeping a journal of what will improve it. Make things so much easier and simpler. And just maybe get away for camping and fishing again, parent care allowing!
Youngest DD graduates college Sunday, and her DH-to-be has a nice surprise party planned after. So excited for her, and her life events. My new SIL to be is just an awesome young man, considerate and smart, planning for their future. I am so proud of both of them.
Got all the goats hooves trimmed today. did my vaccinations and wormings. My lil buckling is just a babydoll, will run to me as soon as he sees me. He will likely be staying. He is such an adorable fella already and very affectionate to people. Has impressive type. Both parents are registered Nubian but am a bit nervous using a large breed for my Oberhasli doe. I may look into a buckling swap so I have an unrelated fella to Cocoa. So many decisions! Either way he will stay, and may just be a wether in the herd. His mom, Cocoa is settling into a milking schedule finally.
PM -ing you
we have pips !
should be seeing some baby ancaunas by next couple of days & some iowa blues by the following day!

:weee You will post pictures when they're hatched, right? :D

I second the muscovies thing and raise you turkeys. Pretty much everyone has already made up their minds that turkeys are stupid and ugly, but the more I get used to them, the more awesome they are (and consequently less ugly, and even--[COLOR=A9A9A9]dare I say it[/COLOR]--handsome). 

Oh, I hate that! I get the same thing when I talk fondly about chickens. As it turns out, people are the real stupid ones. :barnie Present company excluded, of course.

I was watching a game show last night and one of the riddle/question things was something like "Don't count your chickens before they hatch! How many chickens are in this picture?" It showed a woman, what was very obviously a hen, a chick, and 5 or 6 eggs. The contestants looked at this picture, pointed to the hen and said, "Well that's a rooster, so it doesn't count," and then put in the wrong answer. :he FIRST of all, just because it has a comb does not mean it's a rooster! SECOND of all, why does everyone think that roosters are not chickens anyway?! :rant People! All roosters are chickens, but not all chickens are roosters! Come on!!

I hardly put credit into what anyone says about poultry anymore unless they are into poultry. Not just people who own poultry, people who are into poultry. The ones that don't own any wouldn't know a hen's beak from her vent if she came up and pecked 'em in the nose! And my family, for example, may own poultry (though technically the birds are mine), but they aren't into poultry like me. So when I show them things like Naked Necks, or Muscovies, or Turkey toms, birds that I think are lovely, all they see is how ugly they think those birds are. Such is the curse of the crazy bird lady. :lol: Oh, well! Rant over. :p

Have you tried b vitamins and more time outside in the water? Some sunlight might do her well, too. 

Did not even think of B vitamins! I was so focused on egg issues because she struggled with her eggs for a long time that I didn't even look anywhere else! Thanks for the suggestion! :) She gets lots of sunlight through the window right next to her pen, so I think she's good on that. Unfortunately, I have a nasty cold at the moment that just will not go away, so neither of us are getting much outside time. :/ And that really stinks because it's been beautiful up here the past few days.

Love this duck, I love that breed!! So beautiful, dont know what it is but this breed just does it for me. I sure hope She gets to feeling better real soon, will  hate to hear something has happened to her as I know you will devastated.  
 I book marked this page just so I can come back and look at her from time to time... i that weird... now that the house fell aprt, I wont be getting any. and I had planed on getting about 6 of them. :hit

Aw, there will be plenty of chances to get some ducks once you've found an even better place! :hugs They're call ducks, pretty easy to find in one form or another, so don't worry about that. You'll get your little duckies some day!
I was watching a game show last night and one of the riddle/question things was something like "Don't count your chickens before they hatch! How many chickens are in this picture?" It showed a woman, what was very obviously a hen, a chick, and 5 or 6 eggs. The contestants looked at this picture, pointed to the hen and said, "Well that's a rooster, so it doesn't count," and then put in the wrong answer.
FIRST of all, just because it has a comb does not mean it's a rooster! SECOND of all, why does everyone think that roosters are not chickens anyway?!
People! All roosters are chickens, but not all chickens are roosters! Come on!!

I hardly put credit into what anyone says about poultry anymore unless they are into poultry. Not just people who own poultry, people who are into poultry. The ones that don't own any wouldn't know a hen's beak from her vent if she came up and pecked 'em in the nose!
I've been teaching incubation classes in the local preschools & a few elementary classes for a few years now. That's always my 1st lesson. I write: chicken, rooster, hen, chick, embryo, egg, pullet, & cockerel. Their task is to work with a partner to describe what these words mean. This is done before any chickens come out so we can use the right vocabulary during the classes. It's also nice because the kids can go home & teach their parents. We also work on anatomy. I love it when I get a drawing & the chickens in it have combs, wattles, & 8 toes (not 6). Then as the parents come in to peek at the chicks, I hear comments like "Wow! I always thought chicks were yellow."
You will post pictures when they're hatched, right?

Oh, I hate that! I get the same thing when I talk fondly about chickens. As it turns out, people are the real stupid ones.
Present company excluded, of course.

I was watching a game show last night and one of the riddle/question things was something like "Don't count your chickens before they hatch! How many chickens are in this picture?" It showed a woman, what was very obviously a hen, a chick, and 5 or 6 eggs. The contestants looked at this picture, pointed to the hen and said, "Well that's a rooster, so it doesn't count," and then put in the wrong answer.
FIRST of all, just because it has a comb does not mean it's a rooster! SECOND of all, why does everyone think that roosters are not chickens anyway?!
People! All roosters are chickens, but not all chickens are roosters! Come on!!

I hardly put credit into what anyone says about poultry anymore unless they are into poultry. Not just people who own poultry, people who are into poultry. The ones that don't own any wouldn't know a hen's beak from her vent if she came up and pecked 'em in the nose! And my family, for example, may own poultry (though technically the birds are mine), but they aren't into poultry like me. So when I show them things like Naked Necks, or Muscovies, or Turkey toms, birds that I think are lovely, all they see is how ugly they think those birds are. Such is the curse of the crazy bird lady.
Oh, well! Rant over.

Did not even think of B vitamins! I was so focused on egg issues because she struggled with her eggs for a long time that I didn't even look anywhere else! Thanks for the suggestion!
She gets lots of sunlight through the window right next to her pen, so I think she's good on that. Unfortunately, I have a nasty cold at the moment that just will not go away, so neither of us are getting much outside time.
And that really stinks because it's been beautiful up here the past few days.
The reactions I get are a lot of what keeps me into poultry. People will stand by the fence and debate what a turkey is (most of the time coming up with "big ugly chicken"), or they think that all the birds are one species (especially turkeys, guineas, pheasant, quail and chickens--no one seems to mistake ducks for anything else)... or that roosters are a different species, or that only birds with giant five-point combs are roosters, or that any bird with a five-point comb is a rooster, or that breeds are different species, or that only white chickens are actual chickens, or that chickens only lay white eggs, or that brown eggs are dirty and green eggs are rotten. All kinds of weird stuff.

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