Thanks @Mother2Hens, I am healing up from the shingles...ugh what a pain! Now my other side is all bruised and hurt! I slipped and fell down our deck steps Saturday night. ..a little too much fun with fireworks and the family. Lol!

I set your eggs last night. Stinker went 2 days without laying so i was holding out for another. Of course she layed today. Im going to continue gathering and setting every 5-7 days! I need more myself and it seems like there's a few others that may have an interest.

So anyone looking to add some black bantam Cochins with a chance at frizzles let me know.

As you know from my PM, I am SO excited and thankful!
I'm also thankful that you weren't holding the eggs when you fell down your stairs! Haha
Just teasing— I seriously have been worried about you dealing with shingles and now you're also coping with injuries.

@pipdzipdnreadytogo posted:
Flury (the Cochin girl in your quote up there) is a Splash Cochin. You can't see her splashes very well from that angle, though. Her mannerisms and little quirks actually remind me a lot of my beloved Splash Marans, Frou-Frou, who was also a bit standoffish when she was young. Gives me something to smile about.

Flury's splashes:

Yes, I can see her pretty splashes in this photo! She does remind me of your FrouFrou, and she reminds me of my English Orp, Eliza.
It will be interesting to see if Flury becomes friendlier. I remember some members saying that their LF Cochins were friendlier and more docile than their Bantam Cochins. Probably because most Bantams have that Napoleon complex!
On another note, if you liked the Pokemon shirt in @browncow15 's photo, you'll like this although I'm not sure what it is. My DS texted this photo taken in my kitchen! What?

@Jntnrmn ~ Some chickens are more playful than others. I have a chicken swing that they've never used. lol I was going to mention @Faraday40 and her daughter's training methods, and coincidentally, I just noticed her post! When I get my new flock members, I'm planning to work on training like magic tricks. Most chickens like toys with treats in them—like @jchny2000 said, if they're cooped up, they need activities to keep them from getting bored and pecking each other or picking on one chicken. Sounds like yours have a nice home with a fenced-in area and a woods to explore —although I supervise when mine are down at the end of our property near the woods. I'm sure you know your area and what's best. I understand that you don't want them to lay in hidden places; I've had that happen, too. I agree with @tmctlt and others that they'll be happier let out, and happy hens lay more eggs! lol Also, I've had hens lay in the afternoon, and some haven't laid every day—and mine always have excuses—too hot, too cold, too stressed from fireworks, molting, not in the mood today... Haha

I can also relate to flock dynamics. My infamous dearly departed (congestive heart failure) RIR, Nene, was a typical high-strung, bossy, Flock Leader. She also had lots of personality and curiosity. My BR was more even-tempered and they were best buds. As far as dealing with bickering, I've found that just pointing my finger at the offender and firmly saying, "No!" and giving the "teacher look," has been very effective. They know what I mean. Just like little kids. Training them about a human's view of right or wrong behavior is basically the same as dealing with any other pet like a cat or dog. They pick up on things and like routines.
@amwchickin ~ I'm so glad to hear that your landlords are taking action to rehome their dog that they obviously don't know how to care for properly.
And as far as rain—I happened to be driving to a meeting on Thursday when we had 70 mph straight line winds/rain. (Hurricane conditions start at 74mph) It was like watching a movie with large tree limbs continually flying in front of me on the highway—until the highway became blocked with tree limbs and debris. @iamfivewire
~ I'll send that rain your way! Haha Actually, we've missed a lot of rainstorms, so this summer has gone from one extreme to another. Either a drought or a flood. And plenty of humidity as usual! Water, Fans, & Watermelons keep my chickens cool.
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Just as a warning to anyone looking into this... I checked this ad out out of curiosity. 'Americauna' is misspelled (there is no 'i' in Ameraucana!) and no variety is specified, on top of that price per chick, meaning those are probably Easter-eggers. Buyer beware!
@pipdzipdnreadytogo posted: [COLOR=333333]Flury (the Cochin girl in your quote up there) is a Splash Cochin. You can't see her splashes very well from that angle, though. Her mannerisms and little quirks actually remind me a lot of my beloved Splash Marans, Frou-Frou, who was also a bit standoffish when she was young. Gives me something to smile about. :) Flury's splashes:[/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]Yes, I can see her pretty splashes in this photo! She does remind me of your FrouFrou, and she reminds me of my English Orp, Eliza.[/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]It will be interesting to see if Flury becomes friendlier. I remember some members saying that their LF Cochins were friendlier and more docile than their Bantam Cochins. Probably because most Bantams have that Napoleon complex![/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]On another note, if you liked the Pokemon shirt in @browncow15 's photo, you'll like this although I'm not sure what it is. My DS texted this photo taken in my kitchen! What?[/COLOR]
Haha, yes, those two were like twins of different breeds. :) I sure miss my Frou-Frou, and I know you miss your Eliza. I'm really hoping Flury turns out to be similar in personality. Of course, this morning, 'her' face was awfully red for a 7-and-a-half week old pullet, so I'm beginning to question that now, too. :/ I do wonder about that. My experience with bantam versus LF Cochins is the opposite so far. Of course, my LF babies do turn into fluffy rag dolls once I am holding them, so I think there's still a chance of them getting there. :love But they kind of back-step if I reach toward them to pick them up or pet them, so I guess they just prefer to decide when they get their attention or something. :confused: And yeah, that's the new mobile game, Pokémon GO. It's 'augmented reality', or however it's termed; in other words, you use your phone's camera as a viewing window to see the nearby Pokémon, and the phone's GPS to determine which Pokémon are nearby. I had been debating getting it on my phone (it came out just a day or two ago), but unfortunately, it is flawed for those of us out in the middle of nowhere. The in-game shops and gyms are apparently in towns or near 'landmarks' pulled from Google Maps, so those of us who don't live near anything can't get any items in-game (without using real money, naturally :rolleyes: ) unless we play with it while we're out running errands or something that's near these 'landmarks'. All in all, as a loyal Pokémon fan since the early years of the franchise, I'm a little disappointed by the exclusion from the game just because of where I live. BUT, that's a rant for another forum. Looks like you need to close your windows if the Pidgey are getting in--but at least it wasn't a Rattata (the Pokémon version of a rat, if you couldn't tell by the name)! ;)
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@ChicagoClucker ~ Love your Bantam Cochin photos! So cute! Several of us who are big fans have been discussing Cochins lately on this thread. @kittydoc may be interested.

@pipdzipdnreadytogo My kids grew up with Pokémon, so I'm somewhat familiar although it's been a while. As a parent, I liked the franchise. We have a box of little plastic figurines of many of the characters, old games, books, etc. My nostalgic 29 year old son is the one who is trying out that game, but I haven't talked to him since he took the photo. The location/mapping predicament is unfortunate. Since internet users (over three billion worldwide) live in urban areas, I doubt that most companies care enough about rural customers who may miss out on a product or promotion. IMO, too often company greed gets in the way of valuing loyal customers. That's my rant.
Well finally got the coop finished. Got the waterer and feeder hung because we picked up 5 older (16) wk BO pullets. We are wanting eggs so bad and hopefully they will be laying in a few weeks. We built a grow out type pen in the coop for the chicks (now 4-7 weeks old) and will put them in today. Also will hopefully start and complete the run.
Here are some pics of the outside. The windows will also be hung today so they can open and close. Last night I just hung them up.

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I thought this was a chicken in a stand-off with a Roomba!! I'm SO un-hip, apparently! Games nowadays are really amazing. (Cool kitchen chairs, by the way!) :)
Thanks to this, I was saved from looking "unhip" today. DH and DS couldn't believe I had heard of it. Apparently they were discussing how someone playing it discovered a dead body under a bridge. Yikes!!

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