I took some pics today of my recent hatch.

Quail @ 2 days old. I have 3 yellow & 1 brown, but trying to photograph all at once would be difficult.

They're already bigger than a quarter!

The 3 silkies hatched on time Sat. morning. Also 2 days old.
One on left has a beard & big head dome. DD's in love with all 3, so I must assume I have 3 males. LOL

Below are the 2 on right - close up. I read somewhere that looking at the shape of the head dome as day old chicks could help determine gender. (oval vs. round, but I can't remember which is which) Probably an old wives' tale, but I can no longer find where I read that. If anyone knows of it, please share.

Most of the orps hatched on Fri, so they're 3 days old.
Here are Oopsie's 3 chicks. Blue one is in middle. The blacks have nice dark heads, but their bodies are slightly gray rather than black.

One of her blacks has a mask

Left to right: a black, a lav, & the blue


My buff Orpington mixed cockerel x Dominique offspring should be similar to this one above, which is pure buff Orpington (hatchery) x Barred Rock.

I no longer have this one since a fox visited last year.
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Thanks, bottom isn't wider, just pulled to the side. Feeling like our roo was easier and more of a clear cut fix. We'll keep tabs on her and let you know how she does - how often should I trim? I'm thinking it was about once a week at first. Is that correct?

That's right, weekly when they are that young, then every 2 weeks, etc., as needed to keep it moving the right way and/or keep it stable until it's pretty well "set" for life (barring trauma). Can the chick eat OK? It is also possible for them to break their beaks at the bony attachment to their skull, but that usually is obvious because of the way excessive movement. Those I'm not sure can be dealt with at home. I know they can be treated, but it's not usually attempted except in expensive birds and involves pinning like any other fracture. I don't think that's what you are dealing with, though. Not by the look of it or your description.
First crack at pickled eggs. We had a bunch of bantam eggs so I figured they would work.
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That's right, weekly when they are that young, then every 2 weeks, etc., as needed to keep it moving the right way and/or keep it stable until it's pretty well "set" for life (barring trauma). Can the chick eat OK? It is also possible for them to break their beaks at the bony attachment to their skull, but that usually is obvious because of the way excessive movement. Those I'm not sure can be dealt with at home. I know they can be treated, but it's not usually attempted except in expensive birds and involves pinning like any other fracture. I don't think that's what you are dealing with, though. Not by the look of it or your description.
The TSC in Greenwood had a bin with a handful of bantams left in it. They had no idea what type they were and you can't get close enough to see them but they were sooo tiny. I could only see 2 because they were huddled under the heat lamp and even then it was brief. After I left I wondered if they could have been quail. They had them priced for $2.99 each. If they would have been cheaper I would have gotten them just to see but I wasn't paying that for mystery bantams!!
TSC in Columbia city had California Whites. Thought that was an oddball for our TSC. Leghorns and reds too.
The TSC in Greenwood had a bin with a handful of bantams left in it. They had no idea what type they were and you can't get close enough to see them but they were sooo tiny. I could only see 2 because they were huddled under the heat lamp and even then it was brief. After I left I wondered if they could have been quail. They had them priced for $2.99 each. If they would have been cheaper I would have gotten them just to see but I wasn't paying that for mystery bantams!!

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