Thanks for the thoughts, Indyshent. I understand about ducks, but living in a subdivision and not having an open water source, I think some quiet chicken breeds will better serve my needs. Fortunately, the new ordinance won't be much of a problem for myself or anyone that is interested primarily in backyard egg production.

For anyone interested in the Indy ordinances, here is the full document (641pp): NO Footnotes Sign +FEMA Flood 050916.pdf
The parts relevant to poultry are on pp457-458.
For those who know my family (& even those that don't), please keep my sister & our whole family in your thoughts & prayers.

She is in poor health & lives with my elderly father so he can take care of her. She's been having all kinds of R.A. (arthritis) problems, got put on steroids, & then her diabetes went crazy. (Sugar numbers over 600!) The past week she's rapidly been unable to use her arms. (Went to 7 doc offices & 2 hospitals in the past 10 days.)

Today she had trouble getting out of bed, fell 2xs & could not get herself up. After the 2nd time, Dad called 911. She's in the ER now. The docs there believe she has some type of internal bleeding & is undergoing a battery of tests. Because my kids have been sick with sinus issues, I have been keeping my distance to prevent passing something along. (In her weak state, she catches everything.) Thankfully my brother is there now to help my dad.
Thanks for the thoughts, Indyshent. I understand about ducks, but living in a subdivision and not having an open water source, I think some quiet chicken breeds will better serve my needs. Fortunately, the new ordinance won't be much of a problem for myself or anyone that is interested primarily in backyard egg production.

For anyone interested in the Indy ordinances, here is the full document (641pp): NO Footnotes Sign +FEMA Flood 050916.pdf
The parts relevant to poultry are on pp457-458.

Don't over estimate the water needs of ducks. A large rubber pan, or small kiddy pool is more than enough to keep ducks happy, especially runner types. They're less water oriented than most other breeds.

They don't need a pond to be happy, or productive.
For those who know my family (& even those that don't), please keep my sister & our whole family in your thoughts & prayers.

She is in poor health & lives with my elderly father so he can take care of her.  She's been having all kinds of R.A. (arthritis) problems, got put on steroids, & then her diabetes went crazy. (Sugar numbers over 600!)  The past week she's rapidly been unable to use her arms.  (Went to 7 doc offices & 2 hospitals in the past 10 days.)  

Today she had trouble getting out of bed, fell 2xs & could not get herself up.  After the 2nd time, Dad called 911.  She's in the ER now.  The docs there believe she has some type of internal bleeding & is undergoing a battery of tests.  Because my kids have been sick with sinus issues, I have been keeping my distance to prevent passing something along. (In her weak state, she catches everything.)  Thankfully my brother is there now to help my dad.

Faraday, I'm so sorry about your sister. I hope that her being in the ER will finally get to the bottom of things. It's just awful that in 9 medical visits they can not help someone avoid a real emergency. My mother is diabetic, and if healthcare workers don't pay attention, it can cause all kinds of complications. I hope she will be OK, and I will keep her in my prayers.
Thanks for the suggestions on small chick buys.  I did locate two local feed stores that have chicks available right now, no minimums and breeds that I'm interested in, so looks like I'll be good there.  My mistake was sticking with the large chain stores.  Looks like the local folks are more flexible.

Another question- I was looking at the Indianapolis Ordinance page ( and it is badly out of date.  I have the latest info, but it looks like I can't directly post on that page or update the contents.  The OP hasn't been on BYC for a number of years.  Any suggestions on how I can get that info updated?  Thanks.

What two local feed stores with chicks are those? And what breeds did they have?
What two local feed stores with chicks are those? And what breeds did they have?
Hello Finnie. The two I found are:

Wanamaker Feed & Seed (SE side)- Their Facebook page says that they just got Araucanas, Rhode Island Red, White Leghorns, Golden Comets and Barred Rocks. I called them and when these are gone, they will only sell in larger batches, but they are selling these current chicks individually.

Agrarian (Broad Ripple)- They get new shipments every Wednesday. You can check their schedule here.
Faraday, I'm so sorry about your sister. I hope that her being in the ER will finally get to the bottom of things. It's just awful that in 9 medical visits they can not help someone avoid a real emergency. My mother is diabetic, and if healthcare workers don't pay attention, it can cause all kinds of complications. I hope she will be OK, and I will keep her in my prayers.

Thanks & Keep praying.
Update: My sis is critical in ICU with sepsis. She's getting emergency dialysis tonight. I will hopefully get some sleep & go back in the morning.
Hatched a beautiful blue olive egger Naked Neck tonight!! So excited about this beauty!
I'll post better pics once "he's" all fluffed but for now this is him. I say him because it seems huge! Granted I've been hatching bantams so maybe that's why it seems so big!


Still in the bator

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