My daughter needs jazz shoes. Went to the dance store by my house. Didn't find the shoes she needs but they had a fine welcoming committee!

This gentleman was doing a fine job protecting his woman and babies!

Amazing, some of their choices of nests.
Good morning Indiana. It poured buckets of rain yesterday. I fell coming in the back door last night after shutting off the chicken light. Too old to be doing that. But anyway did someone say breakfast is ready?
Pleasant surprise last night.

Over the weekend I had moved the four five-week old chicks, and the adopted three week old chick to the coop. They were in a wire dog crate. I expected integration to take a couple weeks.

The last couple days, I open the door enough so they could explore the coop, but the big girls couldn't get into the crate. Last night, I got busy with some writing, and forgot I had opened it up, until after the time I lock the coop up at night. I went out to the coop and all five were roosted with the big girls, in close proximity, the youngest even cuddled up with the NH hen.

This morning, I expected there to be some commotion as they all woke up and got the day started. No such issues. Everybody seems to be doing well.
That is awesome. Currently working on it with 2 month olds. Also were in cages. Let them together once and chaos. First time and kinda freaked me out a little. Haven't tried again. I wanted them out of the cages so I barricaded them a corner and my bully barred rock keeps trying to figure out ways to bust in.
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Doing some chick integrations here too!

I made a huddle house out of a plastic tub, then used 2 pieces of a play-yard fence to corner off a chick safety zone.

The hens were only interested in them the 1st day. I also brought the chicks out to the grass a few times - when it wasn't raining. They loved the chicken tractor! I've seen the chicks get through a crack to explore the run when the hens are not around, then dart back inside when one walk by. Mine are only about 5 weeks old, but I'm thinking of taking the fence away soon. The hens cannot fit inside the opening of the huddle house, so the chicks will still have a safety zone. Then it will be time to start training them to walk to the tractor by themselves.

Remember this?
Finally made the jump and got my first chicks at Agrarian- an Australorp, a Rhode Island Red, and a Barred Rock. Introduced them to the water and they went back a couple of times, so they have the idea. The Rock is a week older than the others, so I was afraid it might pick on them, but no signs of it early on. They've all settled in pretty quickly in the brooder with the Australorp cheeping for a while, but eventually settling down. They are all asleep now.

Edit: Everyone is checking out the thermometer after I turned off the red heat lamp for a better picture.

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Finally made the jump and got my first chicks at Agrarian- an Australorp, a Rhode Island Red, and a Barred Rock.  Introduced them to the water and they went back a couple of times, so they have the idea.  The Rock is a week older than the others, so I was afraid it might pick on them, but no signs of it early on.  They've all settled in pretty quickly in the brooder with the Australorp cheeping for a while, but eventually settling down.  They are all asleep now.

How fun! You will have a nice little flock. Those are all good egg layers. :D
Yup. That was the idea. I live in Indy, so I wanted good egg layers, newbie-friendly, that shouldn't be too aggressive or noisy. Hopefully, I've chosen wisely.

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