A very pretty and varied flock. You must have a very colorful egg basket! Thanks for sharing. You've even inspired us to come up with more ways to enjoy them!

OK I'll play! I think you got most of them right.

I think that 1st one might be some type of Olive Egger. (Has the small pea comb & no wattles like an EE.) The feather color pattern reminds me of an Olive Egger we hatched.

I think golden comet has many diff names based on the hatchery/ breeders.
I must also add that this Polish looks very cool, but the lav orp is still my fav.
The unknown looks like a Welsummer to me, and the Swedish Flower hen might be a Speckled Sussex - with extra "speckles".

A very pretty and varied flock. You must have a very colorful egg basket! Thanks for sharing. You've even inspired us to come up with more ways to enjoy them!

OK I'll play! I think you got most of them right.

I think that 1st one might be some type of Olive Egger. (Has the small pea comb & no wattles like an EE.) The feather color pattern reminds me of an Olive Egger we hatched.

I think golden comet has many diff names based on the hatchery/ breeders.
I must also add that this Polish looks very cool, but the lav orp is still my fav.
The unknown looks like a Welsummer to me, and the Swedish Flower hen might be a Speckled Sussex - with extra "speckles".


@Mother2Hens & @Faraday40 you guys guessed well!! The top left in question is indeed an olive egger. Then two blue silkies & a black bantam cochin.

The next set of photos: my buff laced polish with her hair cut so she can see . Golden comet/sex link/golden buff. Lavender Orpington. The Cochin I bought as a blue Cochin, but she is definitely a splash! She is also so much larger than my bantam, so must be a brahama?
The questionable one is a welsummer, then Easter egger, then my black Ameracauna, & speckled sussex.
That was fun!!!
@Mother2Hens & @Faraday40 you guys guessed well!! The top left in question is indeed an olive egger. Then two blue silkies & a black bantam cochin.

The next set of photos: my buff laced polish with her hair cut so she can see . Golden comet/sex link/golden buff. Lavender Orpington. The Cochin I bought as a blue Cochin, but she is definitely a splash! She is also so much larger than my bantam, so must be a brahama?
The questionable one is a welsummer, then Easter egger, then my black Ameracauna, & speckled sussex.
That was fun!!!

I just compared pictures of my splash Cochin & my black one. I'm now sure they are different. My splash was twice as big as my black at her age. So maybe a regular Cochin & a bantam Cochin?
Name That Breed?
@hbrown322 & other chicken experts— I'm still wondering about identifying the breeds on post #52855. The second one from the bottom on the left side had such an interesting pattern. It looks like two different halves of a chicken put together. Stunning!

@Leahs Mom ~ I agree about people food—sodium levels alone couldn't be good for chickens. And I wish we could put factory chicken torturers/processors out of business! About FUNGI & Chickens, here's a free online excerpt from a book by the owner of

@Faraday40 posted: I'm just trying to understand silkies in general! DD's fluff balls are so "over the top" friendly! She held them frequently over the summer. Now that she's in school, I find her silkies standing on my boots or circling my legs like a cat every time I'm out there. They also "cry" to be picked up.
That sounds just like my Bantam Cochin Frizzles (and a past Bantam Cochin)! They run up and want to be picked up, they'll pull on my pant legs with their beaks to get my attention, hop up on the rim of my rain boots, etc. I slide my feet when they're around because they can zip here and there so quickly that I worry about stepping on them. I only have one Silkie, and she's friendly but doesn't really like to be picked up much. I assume you hatched your Silkies and they imprinted on your daughter. I haven't hatched from an incubator. All the chickens I've added to my flock have been affected by the behavior of the rest of the flock. If one of the older chickens acts skittish, the new flock members think they're supposed to act the same. The exception has been Cochins. They ignore the uptight ones and love to be picked up, carried around, and pet!
@kanina~ I would like to see a photo of your partridge Cochin, Ethel! I'd like to have a LF Cochin some day. Does Ethel act like my Cochin bantams that I decribed?
Name That Breed?
@hbrown322 & other chicken experts— I'm still wondering about identifying the breeds on post #52855. The second one from the bottom on the left side had such an interesting pattern. It looks like two different halves of a chicken put together. Stunning!

@Leahs Mom ~ I agree about people food—sodium levels alone couldn't be good for chickens. And I wish we could put factory chicken torturers/processors out of business! About FUNGI & Chickens, here's a free online excerpt from a book by the owner of

@Faraday40 posted: I'm just trying to understand silkies in general! DD's fluff balls are so "over the top" friendly! She held them frequently over the summer. Now that she's in school, I find her silkies standing on my boots or circling my legs like a cat every time I'm out there. They also "cry" to be picked up.
That sounds just like my Bantam Cochin Frizzles (and a past Bantam Cochin)! They run up and want to be picked up, they'll pull on my pant legs with their beaks to get my attention, hop up on the rim of my rain boots, etc. I slide my feet when they're around because they can zip here and there so quickly that I worry about stepping on them. I only have one Silkie, and she's friendly but doesn't really like to be picked up much. I assume you hatched your Silkies and they imprinted on your daughter. I haven't hatched from an incubator. All the chickens I've added to my flock have been affected by the behavior of the rest of the flock. If one of the older chickens acts skittish, the new flock members think they're supposed to act the same. The exception has been Cochins. They ignore the uptight ones and love to be picked up, carried around, and pet!

She's a welsummer, she's pretty isn't she? Based on looks she is my mom's favorite out of my flock!
New here! These are my birds here in jasper county indiana, my white silkies have a little bit of a cold at the moment, tryingnto kick it before they go in the big coop with my younger leghorns, im converting a shed i dont use into a coop and run, ill post pictures this weekend when im done
Welcome To BYC!! :welcome
Did you get them from the animal Swap? I was selling Muscovy Ducks there!
New here! These are my birds here in jasper county indiana, my white silkies have a little bit of a cold at the moment, tryingnto kick it before they go in the big coop with my younger leghorns, im converting a shed i dont use into a coop and run, ill post pictures this weekend when im doneView attachment 1141531 View attachment 1141532

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