Oh. Thats even better! As for ducks, pekins are pretty loud and messy. They love playing in water. Be prepared for a muddy run.
Have you considered Muscovy Ducks?
I actually just looked them up, very pretty bird, how friendly are they usually or are they pretty skittish most of the time?
Ahh ok, see i wouldnt mind having a loud duck incase theres a predator around, i feel like a pekin would be loud enough for me to hear from my house so i know something wrong lol do you still have any ducks?
Muscovy ducks have claws on their feet which help them defend off predictors and they perch like chickens. I have only had one predictor attack in the last 5 years. It was a raccoon and ended up dead do to deep gashes from the muscovies claws. Male Muscovies are very protective over their flock.
But pekins are good too. Really great alarm to have on a property!
Welcome to the Indiana Thread @Derrick cook ! It's good that you're quarantining your Silkies and hope you are treating them, too. There's a lot of info on this site and also if you google chicken "colds." I'm just mentioning this because a year and a half ago, I lost six of my dear pet chickens within three months from a mystery illness. A necropsy from Purdue wasn't conclusive.
------Apologies about Name that Chicken! When I posted that I was still wondering about some of the breeds, I apparently skipped the page where @hbrown322 and @Faraday40 named the breeds. Thank you! @hbrown322 ~ As far as the splash being a Cochin or a Brahma, I don't know. If @ellymayRans, the Cochin expert, would ever get on this thread-lol-she could tell us.
Down here in the south, it has been in the 90s and extremely humid. One of the chickens' fans broke, so I am hoping to find some end-of-season outdoor fan bargains this time of year. Air flow helps the flock cope. Sometimes, one will sit directly in front of a fan. I have a little window air conditioner in my home office since the upstairs doesn't cool well when it's hot ourside. My cats like to grab that spot in front of the air conditioner when they get a chance!
Welcome to the Indiana Thread @Derrick cook !
Down here in the south, it has been in the 90s and extremely humid. One of the chickens' fans broke, so I am hoping to find some end-of-season outdoor fan bargains this time of year. Air flow helps the flock cope. Sometimes, one will sit directly in front of a fan. I have a little window air conditioner in my home office since the upstairs doesn't cool well when it's hot ourside. My cats like to grab that spot in front of the air conditioner when they get a chance!

...Of course if you really want to spoil your chickens, you could get them a window air unit for their coop.;)

Yesterday it was 91'F up here in Chicago! I was teaching science classes in a school without air conditioning, and then the power went out. Once the classroom fans stopped, it got very sticky. 2 weeks ago I cleaned up & put away the chickens' fans for the winter. I had to bring one back out for the coop last night. No wonder why so many chickens are going broody.
@kanina~ I would like to see a photo of your partridge Cochin, Ethel! I'd like to have a LF Cochin some day. Does Ethel act like my Cochin bantams that I decribed?

Ethel is still pretty skittish. She's only 16 weeks old and still learning her place in with the big kids. My buff orpington Ana is like that though, she runs right up and squats down when she wants picked up. Then there's Blue and loves to run up and tell me all about her day, but doesn't know how she feels about being picked up yet.

I actually just looked them up, very pretty bird, how friendly are they usually or are they pretty skittish most of the time?

Muscovies are amazing! So quiet and clean! 11/10 would recommend, 12/10 would recommend buying from @Nyla . Her birds are super docile and lovely. We've had the two for almost a week now and they are the sweetest birds.

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