Such a beautiful boy and a sad day :(

I've read that around the 6-8 month mark is a vulnerable time for some roosters and that many folks experience heart failure with them at that age. Not sure what the specific issue is, but I've heard it is common at that age.
Yes, I have one girls the is very talkative. I always had this thought that she's telling me all the things that she wanted to eat that I didn't get for her and that I should go get them now!!!

This girl was my one and only bird that has gone broody. A hatchery rir girl that has raised 2 broods for me then never again in the last 3 years. She's a 5 yo.
I heard a lot of ruckus from blue jays & roosters, so I ran outside to check it out. (My "guard dog" was snoozing under a tree BTW) When I got to the mid yard I think I saw a hawk fly off & noticed there were chickens under bushes back there. The birds were OK. I checked on the tractor with the mamas & chicks, and then made the rounds through the usual resting spots. Just before going back inside, I saw my Welsummer running around with something big dangling from her beak. Leaf? Mouse? Nope! It was a hand!!!!
So 1st I had to catch her to steal her prize. Then I had to search the yard for the rest of the remains.

Found it!.... and here was the other arm.
Two arms & a tiny bit of fur was all that was found. No bones, no organs, no blood.

What do you think the animal was? An opossum, maybe? Could this have been the work of a hawk or do you think it's more likely from a fox? I'm not 100% sure I saw a hawk through the trees but I do know that the chickens were eating the remains of whatever animal. (I highly doubt they killed it, but I'll now think twice before falling asleep in the backyard! LOL Killer chickens!)
I heard a lot of ruckus from blue jays & roosters, so I ran outside to check it out. (My "guard dog" was snoozing under a tree BTW) When I got to the mid yard I think I saw a hawk fly off & noticed there were chickens under bushes back there. The birds were OK. I checked on the tractor with the mamas & chicks, and then made the rounds through the usual resting spots. Just before going back inside, I saw my Welsummer running around with something big dangling from her beak. Leaf? Mouse? Nope! It was a hand!!!!
So 1st I had to catch her to steal her prize. Then I had to search the yard for the rest of the remains.

Found it!.... and here was the other arm.
Two arms & a tiny bit of fur was all that was found. No bones, no organs, no blood.

What do you think the animal was? An opossum, maybe? Could this have been the work of a hawk or do you think it's more likely from a fox? I'm not 100% sure I saw a hawk through the trees but I do know that the chickens were eating the remains of whatever animal. (I highly doubt they killed it, but I'll now think twice before falling asleep in the backyard! LOL Killer chickens!)

Yep, definitely what's left of a possum!
Craigslist finds

7 free hens (one of the Brahmas is a rooster, but not sure if the seller realizes thus because birds have just reached POL)

Silkie roos

Blue Andalusian pullets

Pretty BYM rooster

Leghorn pullet chicks

Llama. Stated as good guard animal.

Laying hens. One Marans, two Araucana/Polish crosses

Bunch of exhibition bred birds

Young Leghorn roosters

Show bred Langshans and Cochins

Slightly used small coop

Young barred Rock roosters

Bigger dog house (possible coop candidate?)

Mottled bantam Cochin rooster
The kids & I were invited to an ag sci expo. They asked us to set up a booth to highlight some of the educational things I do in the schools. I invited a few 4H friends to help out & hold chickens/chicks for people to pet. We put out our group's banner, some pamphlets, a "peck-n-play" with a broody hen & chicks, a few poultry-related project boards, and a rainbow assortment of eggs. (Most people never saw a blue egg, a Welsummer egg, or quail egg before) Let's just say we were the most popular booth.... and others were giving out candy, had games, & even small toys. We did donate some eggs & zucchinis as a raffle prizes.


The chickens were getting a little nervous around 7pm, so we started packed up a little early but the fans kept coming. I'm sure our chickens were all over social media last night.
Ugh. Chicks are apparently at a particular age when they're trying to die. They'll be cold but will avoid heat, and they'll fall into and drown in water they could stand in. I'd like to be all "survival of the fittest" about it, but it's demoralizing.

We only had three poults hatch this year: one was scalped by some nefarious creature and died from its injuries, and the fittest and healthiest one drowned a couple days ago. Dog's been popping them in her mouth like lollipops on Halloween, but we've been able to intervene a few times. I've wired up several other sections, but chicks are getting flighty and adventurous... and sometimes just plain illogical.

Been trying to socialize the chicks. Found out everyone loves cat food, but they get nippy in anticipation of cat food now. Ugh.

Olive Egger still out of toner.

Also, I'm used to my birds being good mousers... and this crop will seriously let a mouse run right in front of them and not do anything. I want my sassy Wyandottes and Welsummers back.
We finally pulled all the bell peppers (about a half bushel) that I've neglected to attend to before now due to busyness.

We stuffed all of them last night (I just do seasoned ground meat and cheese...if we want grains we could do them on the side) and all are in the freezer ready to pull out for a handy meal.

That's such a relief as I was afraid they were going to go to waste from lack of time for them.

On a project for work (new website to build) so I'm working on that this afternoon.

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