All the chicks arrived safely from Texas today.
We have them in their brooder w 2 baby cams.
All are eating and drinking. Fingers crossed they’ll make it thru their first night!
We have the dog inspectors very interested.
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How precious!
Any idea what would give my tom a bare chest? I'd figured he was molting, but all of his other feathers have come back, and there aren't any new feather nubs. I don't see any skin irritation or parasites on the affected area--it's just bald. There are a few partial feathers and a couple bits of down on his chest, but the tops are gone on the feathers. Kinda wonder if someone was plucking him. I've known ducks to go after his butt feathers when we had them, and I suspect one of the pullets had been a feather picker. He's a little more than a year old.
Is there fencing he might bu rubbing against?

Hi, I am going to be expanding my flock and getting 10-12 new additions to add to my flock of 3 bantam Cochins and 1 silkie. I’m wanting a variety and trying to decide on which breeds. I’ve had EE, orphingtons, Black australorps, Dominiques and Sussex recommended to me. Any good or bad thoughts on those breeds of recommend any others?
We are about to start construction on our new pole barn on 5 acres and the coop is going to be attached to the side under a lean to. I have a 12’x16’ area for my coop and run. Any design recommendations or even coop size? I want enough chickens to be able to have eggs for our family of 5 and for the kids to be able to sell a few dozen a week.
Also, which hatcheries do you all recommend? I had bad luck with my first set of chickens I got from a local gal and 4/5 were Roos. I had to rehome all them and then ended up with misrepresented mix breeds from another local. So this time around My plan is to get sexed pullets. I would like 1 too to protect my flock though. What breed would you recommend that would be a good protector but not aggressive towards the kids or me?!
Orps, Dark Cornish, OEG, Buckeye have all been good for me. I have an awesome Amerucana rooster, but not all are good choices. It took me 3 years to get a good EE/OE flock without aggressive rooster issues. Finally got all aggression bred out.
I had a bad experience with the black australorp also.
I have had 3 different Australorp roos came from different people. All 3 became terribly aggressive and impossible around people.
Yesterday was DD's birthday. I made her a card with the following pic & caption.

You're Turning 13 Today!
Uh-Oh! Here comes TROUBLE.

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(Get it? "Trouble" our Sebright.)

Poor DD was sick with a fever last weekend. Went back to school Wed-Fri, but she came home sick Fri morning. It's not like she felt 100% all week with the constant cough & tiredness. Last night she missed the big 4H International Night that they worked on all year & she's president! Today she was unable to teach & attend her dance classes, missed the sci expo, and tonight's the Daddy-Daughter Dance. What a horrible time to be sick. I guess she's learning the valuable lesson that life's unfair. Her family party is tomorrow & we'll decide later if that will be cancelled.
Aww too cute, love the card! Happy Birthday to her and hope she is better soon.
I know I'm new here, but I may be interested!
:welcomeWelcome to our thread!:frow
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:welcome and our thread! :frow
Turkeys are lonely. Thinking about getting more turkey hens for Jake Jake. Penny is broody, so I gave her eggs back to her, even though their brood wasn't terribly healthy last time. They're lonely.

Also thinking quail, pheasants or some nice clean-legged chicken might make decent company.

Someone broke into our garage and stole all of our power tools and an expensive tool chest yesterday.

Went to ER Tuesday because I had an episode in my microbiology class and freaked everyone out. None of my contacts would answer their phones, and so other students or staff called 911, so I felt pressured to go. Not looking forward to that bill. Of course, they found absolutely nothing (like I said would happen)), so I missed all my classes, felt like a freakshow, and am getting billed thousands of dollars for absolutely nothing.

Neurologist thinks it's all in my head, but he's ordered an MRI anyway. That's going to be March 19. Ob/gyn is thinking a laparoscopy might be needed. Nobody knows what's going on.
:hugs I'm so sorry sound like a terrible week! Going to send you a facebook message later, have a thought on the lonliness.
I'm not sure if this is where to post....I am wondering if anyone has pictures of 1 week white Japanese black tailed chicks. I just bought chicks from rural king and many are mislabeled. These look nothing like the ones I googled.
I am just curious what I may have
Thanks in advance,
Janet Norman
Post away! love to see the pics! We are open to sharing a little of everything as long as its family (kid friendly) oriented and no politics.
Had a rough nite Tuesday! One of my goat does, Coco had her first kidding Tuesday evening. First time I have ever had to assist in a birth. She delivered 2 beautiful bucklings, but the trauma prevented her from her milk coming in :(. She looks terrible, and I put her on a different diet to help her regain weight.
Coco twins Sugar.jpg

These boys are out of Tron, our new her sire. Both 4 pounds at birth. Sugar (pictured lying down) is due any moment and I am nervous. This is her 5th kidding, so I feel she will do better than poor lil Coco. I may not breed Coco again, and find her a "pet home" instead.


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Adorable chick! Amberlink or White leghorn, not a bantam its a full sized breed. It will be a good layer either way.
Ugggh! Oh well, if they are girls i will love them the same. It just really upsets me that they don't properly label their chicks, this has been the worse year for that! I bet at the very least 60% are mismarked, and I as well as many others have talked to management
Thank you Janet for your input

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