Have you ever milked a Nigerian Dwarf? I hear horror stories and I hear love stories about milking them. Probably dependent on the udder size and shape, but wondering if you've ever done it and your thoughts?

We only planted watermellon, canteloupe, cucumbers, mini sweet peppers, regular sweet bell peppers, sungold cherry tomatoes (very sweet!) and roma tomatoes.

The sungold are ripening every day and we get a good amount for eating. Romas are still green.

Watermellon and canteloupe are growing but not ripe yet.

Oh..I forgot the zuchinis. Strangest thing this year...they are growing to look like a spaghetti squash. But the inside isn't like a spaghetti squash. I just talked with someone else that said they had the same thing happen and they think they cross pollinated with spaghetti squash and that's what they got.

If we pick them very small I can use them like a zuchinni. But large...they go to the chickens with a beautiful center full of seeds they love.

I'll try to get some photos later.
Sungolds - very favorite!

Strange "supposed to be zucchini" that looks like spaghetti squash shape.


When they're small enough, I can use them. Still taste like zucchini.

And... the beehive!

Chuck made a horizontal hive. Got a package this spring and they're doing wonderfully. We tried with a different hive a couple of times but they either absconded or dwindled. I have some theories on why, so we aren't using that hive again.

The horizontal holds about the equivalent of 3 deeps but no lifting. So far it's doing great. We're of the "treatment free" mind so we'll see how it goes.

We put a robbing screen on as we're going to be gone for a week and I am concerned about yellow jackets that can decimate a hive as they eat the bees and the larvae. They're a strong hive, but knowing that I'm not going to be able to observe, I thought I'd just put it on anyhow as a preventative.



Using the "poor" camera so not the greatest photos.
I've milked Nigerian Dwarfs in the past. The udder plays a big part in loving it or hating it. For the ones with small udders I used the diy mason jar milker. This video shows how to make it:
I always secure their back legs to minimize the kicking and spilling.
I'm hoping to get Nigerian Dwarfs back next year.

Have you ever milked a Nigerian Dwarf? I hear horror stories and I hear love stories about milking them. Probably dependent on the udder size and shape, but wondering if you've ever done it and your thoughts?

We only planted watermellon, canteloupe, cucumbers, mini sweet peppers, regular sweet bell peppers, sungold cherry tomatoes (very sweet!) and roma tomatoes.

The sungold are ripening every day and we get a good amount for eating. Romas are still green.

Watermellon and canteloupe are growing but not ripe yet.

Oh..I forgot the zuchinis. Strangest thing this year...they are growing to look like a spaghetti squash. But the inside isn't like a spaghetti squash. I just talked with someone else that said they had the same thing happen and they think they cross pollinated with spaghetti squash and that's what they got.

If we pick them very small I can use them like a zuchinni. But large...they go to the chickens with a beautiful center full of seeds they love.

I'll try to get some photos later.
I've milked Nigerian Dwarfs in the past. The udder plays a big part in loving it or hating it. For the ones with small udders I used the diy mason jar milker. This video shows how to make it:
I always secure their back legs to minimize the kicking and spilling.
I'm hoping to get Nigerian Dwarfs back next year.
I've never kept Nigerian, teats are so small and low milk production. I have one of those and a good commercial style milking machine. I only use the big milker when my cows are in milk. Lot of work to clean it. easier to hand milk the 2 does. (Normally) I'm feeling a little disappointed this doe isn't trained. But The herd was free so I will deal with it.
My Oberhasli does in milk Paprika/Babygirl (she's a real spoiled baby) is a perfect milker. Her mom Coco also we have dried her off, suspect she was bred early.. Gramma Mocha also my Oberhasli all grew up here and were trained to milk. Teach your does to learn the stand and not afraid to be touched young. This fighting to milk a milking doe breed is ridiculous. Agnus is a focal point for me next few weeks she will learn or be rehomed.
Gardeners, how's yours doing? One of my new try outs this year was Okra, Clemson spineless.
View attachment 1873506 Okra has the prettiest flowers! (yes I need to weed) My first year growing it and it will be on the list next year. I tried a stir fry recipe with it and yum! I've had it deep fried and in a beef stew/Gumbo. I'm the only one that enjoys it so I only did 1 plant this year.
That's okra!? What was supposed to be Sunset Hibiscus is exactly like your pics. I thought it was strange that after flowering there were huge seedpods growing. I've been cutting them off for more flowers. I thought it strange too that flowers seemed small for hibiscus.

ETA: I just googled and it looks like okra and what some nurseries call Sunset Hibiscus are related.
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That's okra!? What was supposed to be Sunset Hibiscus is exactly like your pics. I thought it was strange that after flowering there were huge seedpods growing. I've been cutting them off for more flowers. I thought it strange too that flowers seemed small for hibiscus.

ETA: I just googled and it looks like okra and what some nurseries call Sunset Hibiscus are related.
They are in the same family! I planted Clemson Spineless and omg :drool am hooked. Stir frying it is even better than deep fried and of course healthier! I buy seeds from Baker Creek or MIgardener usually.
We were blessed today with my uncle and his wife visiting from Maryland. My Moms brother and his wife, he is 77 but still travels well. Dad really enjoyed seeing them and remembering my Mom. Dad was sad they had to leave. When you're 85 there's a lot of folks gone and the few in the family elders they need each other to remember life events and share with us too. Please keep your parents close, your siblings closer if you can. Life goes in a blink. Saw my Dad cry today maybe 2nd time in my life he misses my Mom.

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