Indianapolis Poultry Show at the end of October


13 Years
Jul 7, 2010
Memphis, TN
Who is going to this show? I will be there for the American Rabbit Breeders Association convention, and was tickled pink to find out there's a poultry show too! I've never been to a real one, just the fair ones up here that don't even have APA judges. I'd love to meet some of you, and maybe bring some cool eggs back to AK to hatch and share.
There are several folks going, but I think they have been posting on different threads. They'll find this thread eventually.
I, myself, would love to go but can't afford it at the moment. It would be so cool to take some of my birds and eggs, and to see everyone else's birds and eggs!
I'm partial to Silkies and Ameraucanas, and I understand that there are going to be some great breeders at the show!

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