Inexperienced and looking for help!


5 Years
Oct 23, 2014
I'm sorry if this isn't posted in the right spot, but I'm worried about one of the chickens in my flock. She is the runt and she is very broody. She spends most of her time in the nesting box and I'm worried that she's not getting the right nutrients to be healthy. Her feathers are very rough and mangey and not soft like my other two chickens. She's also balding in some spots, but that could be from the other two girls pecking at her. If anybody has some advice on how to get her out of that nesting box or how to make sure she gets all the nutrients she needs to be a healthy girl, or how to make her feathers nice soft and full again it would be much appreciated ☺️ I'm going to attach a picture of her for reference.


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Is she sitting on eggs or are you trying to break her from being broody?
If you want to break her...get a wire cage, elevated off the ground, so air can pass under the bottom. Lock her up with NO nest area, and food and water for a few days...leave her there...don't take her in and out.

breaking a broody hen cage
Feed her a higher percent of protein food for a while to help her replace her messed up feathers, if they are from being pecked at.
You may want to check her over real good for lice/mites. (usually checking at night time with a flash light is best)

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