Infertility problems...


Sep 3, 2009
Not sure what topic im supposed to put this under but anyway here goes........I dont think my blue bantam cochin roo is getting the job done right and im not sure if there is anything I can do to help. I see him mount the hens, see a feather picked out of them here and there where action has been going on, so I know he is attempting to do the job. However some of the people ive sold eggs too have sent me feedback that the blues werent fertile. I hatched a blue egg from his pen in January of this year but havent tried since then. Ive heard that sometimes on cochins there could be to many feathers in the way. So should I pluck some out and if so exactly how to go about this? He is a very fluffy roo, lots of feathers poofin out everywhere, hens are the same way. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!
Thanks a bunch! That really clarifys it for I guess I will be doing some first time fluff removal!

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