Inflatable Dancing Tube


7 Years
Jan 28, 2012
Near Austin, TX
Something was getting my flock, so I sat out in the pen all day yesterday to catch the vermin. It was a rather large coyote. Didn't catch or injure it, but scared him/her off. Anyway, I was thinking about investing in one of those floppy inflatable dancing tube characters. Has anyone done this and if so, what were the results?
I would suggest spending the money that you would on a floppy thing and using it to secure your coop/run.
That coyote will be back.
That's certainly a very creative way to handle the problem!! ;) I think your money however, might be better spend on either coyote urine (yes they sell that!) or some type of automatic lights that you could put around your coop to scare the coyote away. But these are just preventative measures, and you really need to make sure your coops is locked up tight so nothing can get in. :)

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