Information on after hatching is complete


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
I had one duckling hatch and i need to know how long after hatching will the duckling start standing or walking about? It been almost 4 hours and still the duckling hasn't stand or try to walk on its feet. Please let me know how long will it be before its starts to stand or walk about.
its been 7 hours since my duckling hatch out of the shell and still not standing up right completely it pushes up not and still not walking but trying to so that a good sign. But the toes like to cure under or the foot/feet like to turn sideways is that ok after they completely hatch and when laying down resting the legs go out ward or is pushed out ward. all the videos i have watched show all the duckling stand up right away and walk about the place. my duckling mostly like to push itself about on its belly and pushes up right but can't stand up right but it tries to push up and stand up right. Does that mean that the duck is a late bloomer or is there something wrong with the duckling? I am still keeping an eye on it to see if there is improvement. it looks like there is but not at the same time.
Don't worry to much I had a duck and it's neck was very messed up and it couldn't stand or walk and he got better after a night or 2 keep me updated
new up date on the baby duckling. Its now been 12 hours since hatching, The duckling is now standing up right some not completely yet but getting there. It still like to wobble and the one leg is now under but the other leg still likes to turn out ward. i have been letting it rest in my hand like its standing up right and with my other hand put the legs together like they should and putting the feet flat and couching it to stand upright like that and taking a few steps to get it to go straight its helping. The duckling still seems to be a little weak but getting stronger. It not a whole day old and its trying to sit in the water bin and play in the water. So should I try to give it a bath or set up a little pool for the duckling to play in the water any. Or how old should i wait till to let it play in a pool of water and bath.
All ducklings will be very wobbly for the first few days, and they will also be super sleepy.

Do you have any Niacin? When he starts drinking water, I would make sure to add that. Get the regular kind, not the timed released, and add one capsul to every gallon of water. What I did with my last ducklings was just take a gallon jug, fill it with water, add the Niacin, and just pour the water into their drinking bowl. Make sure you just add the powder, though, not the actual capsul shell.

Oops, forgot to add that Niacin is used to prevent leg problems, which is why I suggested it, since you seem concerned. You can also use Brewer's Yeast, but make sure it's actually BREWER'S Yeast, NOT baking yeast.
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You can put him in warm water that he can swim in as log as you hold him in it but let him kick his legs to get strength you should hold his belly he will probably go to the bathroom when he hits the water so be prepared but don't let go he will sink and drown then once your done warm up a towel then wrap him in it and dry him then put him under a heat lamp then let him rest don't try to force him to do more then when he gets his energy back try to stretch his legs not hard just move it is small circles then straighten his legs then hold his belly to help him walk keep me updated I'm really interested
do i have to do the niacin in the water or the yeast. what does the niain cost and for the yeast i won't be able to get any of that until the next time i go shopping. The baby duckling is doing well its legs are starting to straighten up some i have been holding the legs inward with one hand and with my other hand i hold up the duckling under the belly to get the duckling to stand on its feet.

What exactly is niacin? How in niacin and yeast work on the duckling?
I know everyone says put that stuff in their diet but I wouldn't not this young thier systems might not be able to handle it resulting in death that happened to me once
Niacin is Vitamin B3. It helps to prevent leg issues in the future, and though it's not required, it's still a REALLY good idea to use it. Or, you can feed things that are high in Vitamin B3, but I, personally, prefer to use straight Niacin because it's easier for me to garauntee the ducklings are getting it. You can easily find Niacin in pretty much any grocery store or pharmacy. I bought mine this time from a place called Vitamin Shoppe. It was about $10.99 plus tax for a bottle of 100 capsules, which should be enough. If you buy it, make sure it says 100mg.

Niacin, for humans, also helps to improve mood and overall health. It works WAY better than anti-depressants and other pharmaceutical drugs.

I believe brewer's yeast is sprinkled over food, not in water. As for where, I'm not sure, as I use Niacin.
Thanks for the info. Update on the duckling, its doing well its standing up and doing some walking about but not much. The legs are inward some but still like to go outward and when it does do some walking the legs push out sideways i have been doing some therapy with it to bring the legs in. over all it has improved 120% from the time it has completely come out of its shell.

thank you so much

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