Inherited coop

Will they try and roost on their own? I have food and water out. When should I get worried?
I would just turn them loose in the whole run. Give them room to move around so they are not freaking out and piling up in that tiny little corner next to the laying boxes. At least if they are huddled together in a corner of the pen they are not wedging themselves between something and piling up on top of each other. Just make sure they are not sleeping in a corner of the pen else a racoon will pull them through that chain link fence piece by piece. (not trying to be too graphic there but it is the truth)

If you don't mind me asking. What is all the stuff that is in that pen?
Not sure what you are asking about. I took that last photo through the wire. It could be crappy photo. Highlight what you are wanting to know.

Thunderstorms now...oh great. I snuck out and they are exploring a bit now. I think they will use the whole run soon.

Great forum y'all.
Not sure what you are asking about. I took that last photo through the wire. It could be crappy photo. Highlight what you are wanting to know.

Thunderstorms now...oh great. I snuck out and they are exploring a bit now. I think they will use the whole run soon.

Great forum y'all.
Ok. Well I am glad to hear it. Seems like they have settled down a bit. I would imagine they will be just fine.
Thanks for all of the helpful responses. Putting my mind at ease a bit. They still are somewhat huddling in that one corner of the coop...not on top of each other. That end of the coop has plywood that goes to the ground, so no chance of coons pulling them out. I have some Victor leg hold traps that I am cleaning up (they are close to 40 years old and I used them when I was in college), and have some dog proof traps coming. They knocked over one of the feed trays and I plan on moving one to under the lean-to so they might roam a bit more. I also have a couple of leaf cutter ant colonies nearby that are sneaking in to steal food. I plan on start treating them with boiling water today and hope to control them a little bit that way. Don't know if it will work, but don't want to use any pesticides near the coop and they don't take bait anyway.

I'll try and keep y'all updated on my progress.

Thanks again.

Here is a photo of the coop from about 50 yards away.

Coop from driveway.jpg
I decided to add another roost at the protected end where critters cannot reach in. I put the feed trays on the lean-to end to coax them to check that out. When I entered the coop, they all went under the lean-to, but after a few minutes came back out. I guess they figured I haven't done anything to hurt them and are at least comfortable enough to scratch around when I'm inside with them.

When should I expect them to roost and sit in the nesting boxes. I plan on opening the Coop door on Sunday afternoon for a bit to see if I can coax them outside (too soon?? That would be day 4).

I've used a mixture of Scratch and Layena in their feed trays. Right or wrong? I have some growing feed also I can add in. Here is the best photo I could get.

Where are the nests?
Are they of laying age?
I'd stick with grower until they are laying.
Use scratch only as occasional treats.

Not sure I'd let them out to range for another week or so.
Thank you. They are supposed to be ~17-18 weeks. Attached are some photos of their boxes. I'll switch to the growing feed and leave out the Scratch. Should I supplement any with oyster shell? I'll keep them inside the coop as suggested. Thanks.

Y'all have no idea how much I appreciate you passing on your knowledge to us who are newbies. I'll need to replace one of the water stations I inherited. It has a leak.

Nest 1.jpg Nest 2.jpg
I think you might have a bit too much bedding in the nests,
you want the top of bedding to be a few inches below the front lip.
Might want to stick a few fake eggs in the nests.

Thank you. I'll take care of that. Me trying to make a soft bed I

I switched to a grow food as you suggested earlier. I'll order some fake eggs too.

Is there an issue with having some bedding on the floor. My floor is concrete which makes it easy to sweep and/or rake up excess. I took out the leaking water station and put in a new one.

A couple of new pictures. Roaming1.jpg Roaming2.jpg

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