Injured chicken


In the Brooder
Jun 17, 2022
Hi all,

I have a chicken who I have been raising since February, a couple nights ago all the chickens were outside and doing fine, when I heard a bunch of chickens sqauking, so went outside with my flash light, and found a raccoon got in. It managed to attack one of them twice. After it had left, I checked on the chicken. She was walking in a clockwise circle and then fell.

So brought her in and quarantined here in a good sized dog cage with food and some medicated water. All she does is sit there. Every few hours I put some antibiotic gel on her wounds. She hasn't been eating or drinking. When ever I put gel on her wounds I also make sure she drinks a bit of water. I think her neck is broken because she can't hold it up. She can move it a little but not much. I think she also might have a broken leg. When she does stand she walk backwards and flip her self over then walk a clockwise circle and then fall over. What can I do to help her?
She could have wry neck a neurological symptom seen with head or neck injury, vitamin E or B1 thiamine deficiency, and in certain diseases, such as Mareks and others. They may have a crooked neck, walk backwards or in circles. The usual treatment is to give human vitamin E 400 IU daily along with some thiamine and a little scrambled egg for selenium. Thiamine is found in egg or 1/4 tablet of B complex daily.

Try mixing a little chicken feed in some water and add a little of the egg bits. Hold it right up to her beak several times a day.
I agree with Eggcessive. I've had a chick who had been stomped on and couldn't move his neck. I gave him vitamin E (actiselen) and he could move his neck again
Schrieners Liniment. This stuff is absolutely unreal, like magic. @Eggcessive please check it out! It's herbal, no antibiotics, and it heals everything from deep, infected puncture wounds, to gnarly funguses, to my scrappy roosters head when he's been fighting. It's fantastic. I use it on my whole family! Human, canine, avian, all if us. ♥️
She could have wry neck a neurological symptom seen with head or neck injury, vitamin E or B1 thiamine deficiency, and in certain diseases, such as Mareks and others. They may have a crooked neck, walk backwards or in circles. The usual treatment is to give human vitamin E 400 IU daily along with some thiamine and a little scrambled egg for selenium. Thiamine is found in egg or 1/4 tablet of B complex daily.

Try mixing a little chicken feed in some water and add a little of the egg bits. Hold it right up to her beak several times a day.
Yes, yes, I was wondering @Excessive if you'd recommend putting a tsp of mollasses in that mixture as well? It seems to help combat stress.
Molasses can have a laxative effect if too much is used. That is why it helps with impacted crop or pasty butt. Most chickens will take chopped scrambled egg and watery chicken feed readily if they are hungry. That said, poultry cell and nutridrench rescue tonics have a little molasses in them, probably as a sweetener.
Yes, yes, I was wondering @Excessive if you'd recommend putting a tsp of mollasses in that mixture as well? It seems to help combat stress.

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