Eleven days ago, yes I'm counting! - some predator got into my coop where I had 3 young guinea fowl and two black copper marans, all about 10 weeks old. One guinea was killed, no feathers or remains in coop. The other two guinea were split up with one running outside the coop (escape artist) and the other guinea inside the coop with the black chickens, both of which I finally realized were injured. The predator got in, through my hawk/owl mesh I have in the outdoor pen (my husband is fixing this for me). Neither black chicken was bleeding, but the hen had wounds on one leg and couldn't stand on it. When I took her off the perch 11 days ago, she has never since stood on either leg and she is very thin. She eats and drinks, I've had her in a sling a lot b/c she poops so much and she and I got sick of washing her bottom. The other, I think is a rooster (10 weeks, who knows?) seemed so okay at first, but started limping heavily after a couple of days and I finally realized he was losing weight; not eating. He's depressed I think b/c of his black friend being in the house. I have been putting them both in a box together now, which has improved his attitude and he is now eating and drinking. But neither of them will try to stand when I set them on the ground. He WAS walking around, with a limp, and she was on one leg when I took her out of the coop. He is putting weight back on but she is gaining so slowly. How long should I keep on carrying them around and setting food and water in front of them? Could this be something besides injury? They won't walk.