- Apr 27, 2011
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Hi all!
I have 4 Doms and 2 barred rocks, about 7 months old. Yesterday one of the doms got caught by something in the yard. [Initially I blamed our dogs, but they were locked on the porch and I found a pile of feathers 50 feet away in our garden - so I'm thinking hawk or neighbor's cat...] She escaped, ran off and didn't come back until this morning. I just got a look at her and she has bald patches on her back and one dime-sized scab under her wing. She's walking around acting normal, eating and drinking, not lethargic.
So far, she doesn't seem to be getting picked on by the others, but should I separate her until the scab heals? It's not visible unless she lifts up her wings. There is also no bare skin visible because her wings cover the bare patches, but you can tell the feathers are thin there.
Is there anything I should put on the scab? It looks pretty superficial and so far there's no redness on the skin around the scab, but if there's something I should do, I'll do it!
Will her feathers grow back?
Is there any chance they will grow back before winter, and is there anything I can give her to help them grow back faster?
We live in a cold climate (Utah at 7000 feet elevation) so I'm worried about the cold this winter if her feathers don't grow back. We weren't planning to heat the coop or put a light in, but maybe we should heat it for her? The lowest it gets is probably -10F.
Thank you thank you thank you!
I have 4 Doms and 2 barred rocks, about 7 months old. Yesterday one of the doms got caught by something in the yard. [Initially I blamed our dogs, but they were locked on the porch and I found a pile of feathers 50 feet away in our garden - so I'm thinking hawk or neighbor's cat...] She escaped, ran off and didn't come back until this morning. I just got a look at her and she has bald patches on her back and one dime-sized scab under her wing. She's walking around acting normal, eating and drinking, not lethargic.
So far, she doesn't seem to be getting picked on by the others, but should I separate her until the scab heals? It's not visible unless she lifts up her wings. There is also no bare skin visible because her wings cover the bare patches, but you can tell the feathers are thin there.
Is there anything I should put on the scab? It looks pretty superficial and so far there's no redness on the skin around the scab, but if there's something I should do, I'll do it!
Will her feathers grow back?
Is there any chance they will grow back before winter, and is there anything I can give her to help them grow back faster?
We live in a cold climate (Utah at 7000 feet elevation) so I'm worried about the cold this winter if her feathers don't grow back. We weren't planning to heat the coop or put a light in, but maybe we should heat it for her? The lowest it gets is probably -10F.
Thank you thank you thank you!
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