instead of expensive supplements/addatives


12 Years
Dec 23, 2007
Blountville , TN
i decided to reserch on chick supplements or addatives to help them grow strong and healthy well i found out most of all they need elecrolytes to boost immunity and help them grow strong well heres what i found gatorade is cheap and a solute i decided to test it on day old chicks and i didnt loose a single one they now are very beautiful
so instead of suger get a can of gatorade powder to mix in their water
i also found they prefer the orange flavor and color
post up if you guys try this
Sugar water should only be used to give weak chicks or chickens a quick boost. when used with young chicks the sugar water is the main cause behind pasty butt. Sugar water should not routinely given.
I have been wondering, instaead of something like gatoraide with all the coloring and additives, why not just go to the baby department and get the plain non-flavored pedialyte, that is what we had always kept on hand for the rescue dogs and cats that were dealing with boughts of diarrea mainly from change, not illness. Gave them that little boost.
Why wouldn't it help the chicks?
*maybe if we all called gatorade theyd put out an uncolored version, but lemon probly closest.
*They'd probly send you a couple coupons if nothing else. . . But, I complained to Taco Bell once about a flimsy encherito container & they immediately started using two & quickly modified the box-- so who knows, eh?

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