Integrating 2 groups of young chicks


Mar 3, 2015
Ontario, Canada
So, I did a hatch in 2 batches for my brother in law, because I hatch in my tiny incubator for my kindergarten class, but he wanted about 20 chicks so I borrowed a bigger incubator that was much older, less stable, and with much less visibility for kids to watch so I ran that one at home.

I had a batch of 15 chicks hatch May 11-12 at home, and 6 more hatch in my classroom on May 14. The last one to hatch May 12 ended up in my classroom because the others already had gone to my BIL. The kids in my class have now said goodbye to their 7 chicks, and i will take them to their new home tomorrow.

So, the question: All of the babies are less than 2 weeks old with the slightly younger group being fewer in number (14:7). To what extent should I be worried about them integrating easily? My BIL is new to chickens, so I need to make sure that I prepare him for what's best, and just give him a plan that is both easy and will work. Right now his babies are in the coop (no access to outside yet), and I'll take an extra food and water dish, also a cozy box (mine currently use the MHP, his have a heat lamp, so I'm thinking if I give them a cave it'll help them have their own space.) I'm hoping they'll be okay without actually fencing off an area, what do you all think?
Just as an update, there were absolutely no problems. I dropped them off in their cozy box, they wandered out and went to a food bowl, and the older chicks made them some room. 0 squabbles. I was more than pleased! We hung around and kept an eye for an hour or so, and I told them to watch over the next couple of days, but this could not have gone smoother!

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