Integrating 2 sets of chicks with adult flock


Apr 17, 2017
I have adult Australorps (1 year old)
I have 2 sets of chicks in brooders right now. The first are RIR at approximately 4-5 weeks old. The second I just got and are Mariana and Calico Princess about 1-2 weeks old. I know they need different temperature controls right now. I would like to integrate the two sets of chicks before I integrate them with the adults. At what age can I start putting the chicks together?
This will be my first time adding to my flock.
At what age can I start putting the chicks together?
I'd start integrating chicks now.
Best bet would be new brooder area large enough for all the chicks and a heat source that can be used or stayed away from(for the older chicks).
Can you set up a brooder area in your coop?
That would jump start the integrating with the flock process.

Knowing your location(climate) and your coop/run and brooder setups(pics) would help us give more specific suggestions.
There is no room in the coop to add the brooder. I can a small pen on the run when it’s warm enough or them to be outside.
I live in West Virginia. The brooders are in my basement
The brooders I have. One is a extra large dog crate and the other is a pack and play cat pen. I can open 2 sides of both pens to make it larger. I have both a heat lamp and an EcoGlow.
When outside temperature start to stay steady I can split the run and the coop in half. Has 2 doors
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This is what I have right now. I moved the bigger chickens into the smaller chicks brooder. I figured there would be less stress on the little guys. After I clean the other pen I will set them up so they can go back and forth.
The bigger guys will either protect or pick on the little ones.
Thank you for letting me know I could put them together now. I was afraid the size differences would be a problem.
My flock free ranges during the day in my yard, and I have a grow-out coop in the area where I feed. My general method is to put new younglings into the grow-out coop (once they're big enough to go outside) for 4-6 weeks, and let everyone get acquainted through the wire. Then when they finally get integrated fully with the adults, there's very little squabbling.

So far, so good.
Just make sure the littles can get to the plate and feed water.
Is that a heat lamp?
The protective bigger ones let the little ones eat
Yes I have both an echo glow and a heat lamp. I actually have 2 heat lamps. One is up really high just for lighting the other is just on the outside of the crate for the older chicks. The ecoglow is set for the little guys. But some of the older ones will sit with them and surround them. It’s looks cute.
Once I am able to clean the other pen I plan on putting food and water on both sides.
The protective bigger ones let the little ones eat
Yes I have both an echo glow and a heat lamp. I actually have 2 heat lamps. One is up really high just for lighting the other is just on the outside of the crate for the older chicks. The ecoglow is set for the little guys. But some of the older ones will sit with them and surround them. It’s looks cute.
Once I am able to clean the other pen I plan on putting food and water on both sides.
Cool, so no real pecking problems......some of the olders are protecting against that??
I was concerned because all the littles are bunched at one end.
That's great, best wishes to you! Once you want to integrate them into your flock of adults, (When they're older of course!) best to let the two flocks see each other first, or it might be a bloodbath. What I've done is I've always let my two flocks sleep in the same coop, outside of the mesh separating them, and that's done well for everyone for a few weeks. I forgot to add that your babies are cute too. :love
Cool, so no real pecking problems......some of the olders are protecting against that??
I was concerned because all the littles are bunched at one end.

Whenever I first go down to the basement to check them the little ones run away and the big ones are begging for treats and food (little piggies)
Today when I got home from work the little ones were under the echo flow and the big ones were all over the place. On top of the ecoglow on the water bottles, etc... looks like they will want my extra swing and perches now

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