integrating a new member into the group


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 21, 2013
so i have been given a chicken and i already have 4 ladies and i know they can be more than mean to new comers. i have the new chicken, who is also full grown, isolated by chicken wire. my original 4 roam the backyard while the new one is closed into another section of the coup. i have had her separated for a couple of days and when i let them mix my dominate lady went right for her. trying to peck the back of the head. (the little b?&$%) lol so again i separated her from them. any tips for better integrating her? how long should i keep them separated but able to see one another?

thanks for any help
I usually add the new comer at night. Put on the roost and they wake up with a new friend. I usually do it on a night I am home the next day to supervise if need be. If your coop and run are big enough the new comer should be able to run away from any pecking. As long as she's not bleeding you may have to let them work it out.

I added some new ones a month or so back and all my birds were indifferent to them except one barred rock hen. The new bird would walk under the roost and she'd grab her comb and really attack her. Not much I could do but just let them get settled. That part has stopped but the birds have learned their place in the pecking order too :)
thats what i figured to just let them " all out cage fight" it out. i let them run free in my backyard which is about 15-18 meters wide by 35-40 meters long. so they have ample room to run and hide or run away. thanks
ya if you add the new one just open them for free range early the next day so they can run around. I've even locked the old timers out from the coop until it starts getting dark. Then the new ones can get used to their new home in peace, know where they sleep, and they only have limited interaction for a day or two like that

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