Integrating birds


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 15, 2013
Hi! I have 6 roughly 12 week old heritage birds. I am very scared to mix them in with the other hens because they still seem too small. They have all their grown up feathers and just need to grow a bit more, but they are not even close to the size of the big hens. They have been in the same coop as the older girls, just closed off for the past 2 weeks. I notice my hens looking up at the little ones every once and a while when I put them to bed. I want to mix them together, but I don't want them to get pecked to bits! Please help!
If you're not comfortable mixing them yet, there is nothing wrong with waiting until they're older. You can always give it a try and see how things go. If the big girls get too rough (pinning them down, ganging up on one, etc.) pull them out and wait. Just remember that no matter when you put them together there will be scuffles to determine pecking order. Chickens don't like newcomers. Period. Some pecking and chasing will occur. It would help to put up some hiding places for the little ones. Lean some plywood or pallets against the wall, put something up on bricks that the little ones can get behind or under. Another feeding and watering station will help, too.
Thank you so much! That was so helpful. I can't stand the sight of my birds fighting with each other, but hopefully it won't be too bad.:)

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