Integrating chicks into flock at 4 weeks old.

I put paneling up around most of the bottom. Left some open space between Ophelia's coop and the chick area so they can see each other. I've also upgraded the huddle box. The chicks were already checking it out when I went to get more pine shavings to insulate between the two crates.

Checking out the new box.jpg Huddle Box #2.jpg Finished for now.jpg
Chicks are six weeks old today. They are doing fantastic. Some warmer dry days finally here so they have been going out for supervised ranging. Ophelia isn't very friendly toward them she puts her wings out sideways and forward with her head down and makes noises I've never heard before. The chicks then run away from her. I'm hoping to get a video as it is quite the spectacle.

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OK, integration of 5-week old chicks is going well. See but don't touch introductions for a few days, then the wire dog crate went into the run during the day. It goes back into the enclosed porch with heater at night. We are on day 2 in the run, with no particular drama from either the bigs or the littles. How long do I do this step for?

My next step would be to put the dog crate into the coop 24/7 and, if that seems to be going well, to add cardboard panic doors like in this post:

I presume that the longer I take with each of these steps, the better. Is that right?

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