Integrating momma hens and babies to the rest of the flock


Jun 26, 2020
San Diego, CA
Hello all!
I need some advice. I have three broody hens all have 1-2 babies. How do I integrate them with each other? And how do I integrate them with the rest of the flock? I can already tell by some behavior (everyone is separated but can see), that there will be some fighting going down, and I dont want the babies to get hurt.
Thanks in advance!
Any time a hen is separated a bit of pecking order will need to be established. Are you able to put them where they can see each other with out touching at first?
Any time a hen is separated a bit of pecking order will need to be established. Are you able to put them where they can see each other with out touching at first?
Yes, they can see each other. Each momma has her own little wire run inside the main run. When i let my flock out to range in the yard, I let each momma with baby out of their mini run into the main run to get a little more room. I give each momma with baby about an hour and then i rotate with another momma and baby. I noticed the mommas are trying to fight each other through the wire.
I have never done 3 moms, but have done 2, one broody had 2 chicks and the other had 8 chicks. I first let the moms and chicks integrate. Each mom was very protective at first, but the chicks were interested in each other. After a few weeks, I let everyone out together. I had the same set up as you, were they could all see each other from the beginning. There was some pecking order stuff, nothing really bad. Moms remained protective, continued to teach, including roosting at night. Until the chicks were too big to roost under mom anymore. It all worked out. take your time and let them get used to each other in the regular run. Good Luck @Asaria1
I have never done 3 moms, but have done 2, one broody had 2 chicks and the other had 8 chicks. I first let the moms and chicks integrate. Each mom was very protective at first, but the chicks were interested in each other. After a few weeks, I let everyone out together. I had the same set up as you, were they could all see each other from the beginning. There was some pecking order stuff, nothing really bad. Moms remained protective, continued to teach, including roosting at night. Until the chicks were too big to roost under mom anymore. It all worked out. take your time and let them get used to each other in the regular run. Good Luck @Asaria1
Thank you so much!!!!
I have never done 3 moms, but have done 2, one broody had 2 chicks and the other had 8 chicks. I first let the moms and chicks integrate. Each mom was very protective at first, but the chicks were interested in each other. After a few weeks, I let everyone out together. I had the same set up as you, were they could all see each other from the beginning. There was some pecking order stuff, nothing really bad. Moms remained protective, continued to teach, including roosting at night. Until the chicks were too big to roost under mom anymore. It all worked out. take your time and let them get used to each other in the regular run. Good Luck @Asaria1
Its only been a week, but im starting to get nervous about my moms. I let one mom out with her babies for an hour (with the rest of the flock), then i put them away and let another mom out with her baby for an hour, and i repeat with the last mom and baby. Everyone is getting along great when i do it that way. My broodys are getting along just great with the rest of the flock, and no one is messing with the babies. HOWEVER!!! When I let the moms out (with babies) to integrate with each other, its an all out COCK FIGHT!! Feather pulling and wrestling and everything!! The babies just stand back chirping in fear! Will this ever change or will I have to rehome? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
It won't be many weeks before the mom's are ready to let the littles be on their own. Also keep in mind every time you separate and put back in there will be pecking order scuffles. The more they are left together, the easier it will be.
It won't be many weeks before the mom's are ready to let the littles be on their own. Also keep in mind every time you separate and put back in there will be pecking order scuffles. The more they are left together, the easier it will be.
Thank you for that. I will try to leave them together as much as i can. Do i just let them duke it out?

That is a tough call, as the goal is to protect those babies. Do they go their own way after the scuffle? Or do they just keep trying to fight each other? Most of the time I just let them work it out, but it doesn't look like your girls could be left unsupervised at this point.

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