Integration Panick - Part 5


5 Years
Oct 22, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
Sorry for posting this so soon after Part 4 but I REALLY feel like I’m failing integration right now. I feel like I’m doing something wrong because nothing is changing, the adults still try to peck the life out of the chicks, and the chicks huddle in their safe spot for hours.

I feel like they’re never going to let them in. I’ve heard people say it takes a few weeks but I don’t have that kind of time. It’s almost winter break and I can’t have two separate flocks for my chicken sitter to handle. Please help, I’m giving up!!
As has been previously said, big chickens pick on smaller chickens - it's how the pecking order works. In your post # 4, old hen gave you excellent suggestions regarding separation within the coop.
As has been previously said, big chickens pick on smaller chickens - it's how the pecking order works. In your post # 4, old hen gave you excellent suggestions regarding separation within the coop.
But I can’t build anything to go in, or help. Is there any other way to make it work like how I’m doing?
Provide as much space as possible, more feed and water stations, and provide more and larger hiding places. What you are dealing with is an inescapable part of chicken society.
Ditto Sourland's advice here.

Starting new threads does not change the situation,
and as I've said in the other threads,
it makes it very hard to help without all the detailed info in one place.
( I want to help, and many others have tried to help)
Some basic info is sorely lacking:
Number/age of birds in each group.
Size in feet by feet of your coop/run.
Pics of coop inside and out.

You may just have to build or by another weather proof coop/run for the flock sitter.
Or give your chicks to someone else who has adequate space for integration.
Provide as much space as possible, more feed and water stations, and provide more and larger hiding places. What you are dealing with is an inescapable part of chicken society.
Ok thank you, I have all day at home tomorrow (Thanksgiving break) so I will start building/finding more places to turn into/make hiding places. Any suggestions of TYPES of hiding places?
Ditto Sourland's advice here.

Starting new threads does not change the situation,
and as I've said in the other threads,
it makes it very hard to help without all the detailed info in one place.
( I want to help, and many others have tried to help)
Some basic info is sorely lacking:
Number/age of birds in each group.
Size in feet by feet of your coop/run.
Pics of coop inside and out.

You may just have to build or by another weather proof coop/run for the flock sitter.
Or give your chicks to someone else who has adequate space for integration.

1. The 'Bigs' are 4-month-old pullets, chicks (littles) are about 8 or 9 weeks.
2.I don't know the size
3. 3D978B9D-AF06-4AA6-A7B3-74B9609BF053.jpeg
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