Integration went quite well!!


8 Years
May 7, 2011
My quarantine pen is portable, so I moved it into the coop when the time was right. Let the BCM babies out full time day b4 yesterday. A bit of chasing and pecking, but nothing major. The pullet was on the roost at bedtime night before last, and last night and tonight both the pullet and cockerel were on the roost. Success!!
Congrats!!! I'm on day 1 myself.....I had her in a cage in the run 2 days and last night I put her in the roost with the rest. Today, the newbee is roosting most of the time while the rest is chilling in the run....hope they start playing together soon!...again, congrats!!!
Thanks all! It's very rainy and blustery today here thanks to T.D. LEE. The big birds kept the little ones run out of the coop I guess because they were outside in the run, and when they'd try to go inside they'd get chased. So I put them back in the baby pen for a while so they could rest and dry off. Thankfully the run is mostly covered with a tarp and it wasn't too rough for them.

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