intelligence of guinea fowl

for the young guinneas not coming out- does your coop have a run attached? i know with mine at that age they were very cautious about coming out, they had a mini run where they were in with the chickens, but fenced off, i just let them figure it out- then later they were allowed in with the chickens and eventually they roosted in a close tree. if it were me, i would have a little fenced area so they could explore when they are ready, but they would be safe. i like the idea of your coop- would love to see pics of it.

i handled my keets too, until they went into the run. They don't interact the same way as chickens, but we love just watching them, they are so aware of everything- and you can see them figuring things out- really has surprised me how they interact, if they see us at night on the porch, they will talk to us in sleepy voices, and if i call 'guinea guinea' they come running talking the whole way,,

Thanks to everyone for all the info and ideas.
Robin wanted to see photos of the coop, here they are, I took them this morning, it was a
cold frosty morning. It is not fancy but it should work OK.
I plan on opening the window on the door to let them get in and out, with the addition of a landing board.
This is high enough and with smooth steel siding a coon should not be able to get in.

that is so neat- mine won't go into the coop at nite- i am thinking for yours, maybe a temporary fence would make them feel more secure and start coming out- don't think you will have a coon problem the way you have it set up
I think Guineas are very intelligent.

Maybe it depends on where you get your Guineas? Mine are very smart and come back to be locked up. I just walk outside before it starts getting too dark and they are near the cage waiting for me. I don't even lure them with food. They just know.

One time when I was cleaning around their cages and the guineas were loose, I heard them start calling and screaming from the other side of the barn. I went to investigate and found them staring at a feral cat yelling to tell me about it.
As soon as they knew I saw the cat, they went silent and went along eating bugs and seeds in the grass. They were smart enough to know that I would take care of it, so they warned me. Just my 2-cents/experience.
hi everyone- yep- love the way they do seem to work as a unit- you can almost see how they come to a basic conclusion and have committee meetings... they will come to the door and look in, telling us about their concerns


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