interested in chicks :)


6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
Rockland County NY
Hi my name is Amanda. I'm here to hopefully get help from someone on here that's near Rockland County, NY. I'm looking for 3 or 4 female chicks of either mixed, rare breed, sikies, anything but the normal color looking chicken. I'm looking for them as pets and to lay non fertile eggs. If anyone can help me please contact me thank you so much
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Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Check in the Where am I - Where are You section of the Forum for your state thread, you may find others in your area that have some birds.

You may want to remove your email address, there are trolls who surf websites to get access to people's information. Anyone on BYC who wants to contact you can do so by Private Message. To edit your post, look down on the lower left corner for the little pencil icon.
Greetings from Kansas, cebrian, and
! Great to have you aboard! I agree with muttsfan - go back and the little edit pencil at the bottom of your post and remove your email address. Hope you find your birds!
Thank you...but I'm stool tech to find a's difficult to search on here for me...please sometime private message me for a breeder in NY..Upstate

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