Interesting owl information


9 Years
Feb 23, 2010
Deep in the heart of Dixie
My brother, who is a county extension agent, came to check out my new coop and run. I got approved
but he did caution me to put the girls in the coop every night because of owls. My run is covered but he said even then, the owls will grab the chickens through the wire with their talons if they get near enough to the sides and EAT THEIR HEADS OFF through the fence!!! I guess this wouldn't be an extremly common occurance, but sheesh-what a way to go. Just thought i would pass that along, it was surprising to me.
Owls, Coons will do it at night and Coopers Hawks will do it during the day. If you have wire opening near their roost, I would make sure it was covered in hardware cloth to ensure they can't reach through.

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