Introdcing new chickens


10 Years
May 1, 2013
I just got 4 new chickens 2 yrs. old and want to know how long before I can let them free range with my other 5 I have them cooped up for 2 nights and one day. So far they stay away from each other but aren't fighting.
How long do I have to keep them penned so they know where they live. They have been together 2 nights and stay at opposite ends of the coop. In the morning I let my 4 out to free range and keep the new ones in the pen. It's beautiful today and they keep going in the coop, so I locked them out. Mine never go in the coop in the day unless it's pouring.
I wouldn't lock them out of the coop. You want them to get accustomed to it, to be able to check it out as much as they need to. I'd let them go where they want as much as I can.

If they weren't fighting before, I don't know why you can't let them all hang out together. The new ones should go in the coop at night just because the old ones do. When let out, they may continue to hang around in two groups, maybe for months or longer.
I have found over and over again that the best way to intermingle adult birds is to put the new birds on the roost with your established flock in the middle of the night. Of course, I mean after your period of quarantine - which you should ALWAYS have with new birds coming in - is over. They all wake up in the morning and are of one flock that way. Sure, there will be a little jostling over pecking order, but otherwise, there never is much of a problem at all.

Good luck!

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