Introduced a chick to the adult flock yesterday, funny stuff


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I took one of my turken chicks out to the chicken yard yesterday to introduce her to the adult flock.
All the hens were interested in her and gathered around. She must have felt like she was in the Land of the Giants.
Then my roo made an alarm call so all the hens turned and followed him away from the chick. Only problem was the chick tried to follow, which spooked the big birds. The faster they moved away from her the faster she ran to keep up.
Finally Chloe, one of my light brahmas, turned around and pecked the chick.
She came running back to me.
The chicks are going to be moving into the coop this week (segregated of course). My big birds have no idea that their world is about to be turned upside down.
Yeah, 14 very large birds - hens weigh 6 to 8 lbs., rooster weighs 13 - backed up against the fence by a chick that weighs maybe 4 oz.
I only have 5 chicks but have them seperated into 2 groups because I have a tiny little serama that I went out and bought a silkie friend for. Those two are still in my house and my other three are out in my makeshift coop. BUT... I get that same reaction from my outside chicks when they see the silkie!! They don't know what to think of her, she terrifies them! They run from her, even though 2 out of the 3 chicks are way bigger, and then finally my oldest gal Hercules will come over and give her a peck. Then she runs away like the big baby that she is!!! (the silkie of course!!)
Yeah, I have two silkie chicks; one I am positive is a cockerel. I'm 100% sure that my 13 lb. roo is not going to appreciate it the little squirt when he starts crowing. Crowing wars in the coop. Glad I don't have to live out there.
all my chickens pick on any new smaller ones I have a lot of chickens and they are all mean to little ones

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