Introduced new hens to a flock - they quit laying eggs!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 19, 2014
I introduced 3 one-year old laying Red Stars to my flock of 3 one-year old laying Australorps on Saturday. I know Red Stars are heavy layers, and I'm concerned because I brought them to my house 5 days ago and have only gotten 3 eggs from them!

I'm worried about them because I don't want something to happen because they aren't laying regularly and I can't tell if each Red Star has laid one egg, or if it is the same hen that's laid all 3.

What has it been like for everyone else when you introduce laying hens to your flock? Do they lay right away or did it take a week for their stress levels to go down and lay regularly?
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It can take a while for them to adjust to the new flock mates and pecking order, so they may not lay for a week or two.

Also, keep in mind that many sex links (like red stars) lay like crazy for the first two years and then slow way down, so you may be seeing this as well if they're 3 year olds. There are exceptions, of course.
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Thanks everybody! They are actually 3 different one year old chickens... I guess I phrased that wrong :/
Thanks everybody! They are actually 3 different one year old chickens... I guess I phrased that wrong
Ah three 1 year olds...makes sense.

Response is the same for flock dynamics creating a slow down.

Also, I've had a number of breeds do a soft molt at 1 year of age. Look for small feathers floating around. That might explain the slow down as well.
Lof Mc

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