Introducing 10 week old chicks to 9 month old rooster

Country Cluck

In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 4, 2009
Battle Ground
Ok, I have looked for this topic and can't find anything close. I introduced my 10 week old chicks (14) to my 9 month old pullets (7) and rooster (1). They have seen eacvh other over the fence for 4 weeks naf have lived seperatly side by side for 4 weeks now. Everything seemed to go well untiol this ervening when my rooster started chasing the chicks and trying to mate with them. Nothing could desuade him, so has anyone else had this experience and should I seperate them again until they are older? Thanks anything would help.
The rooster is probably just trying to assert his dominance, Two of my cockerels regularly behave as though they are trying to mate with each other as they are battling it out as to who will be the alpha male.

Re-introduce carefully and watch behaviour carefully. If Mr Rooster tries to mate with anyone, regardless of the chick's sex, he is playing the Dominant BIrd. If all your chicks are pullets he may be trying out the new kids on the block and shouldn't really hurt them, though they will probably not be impressed at their age.

Introductions often have to be done carefully and with no pre-conceived notions as to what will happen as introductions vary so much.

If Mr Rooster is truly aggressive,he will need to kept away from your chicks for a while,

Good Luck,
Thank you for your replies and they have been seperated again this morning. That's what happens when we put human thoughts on to animals. I felt like there wasn't any way they would hurt them since they were "babbies," but I was proven wrong. Everyone is doing fine and luckily no one was hurt.

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