Introducing 3 and 1 week old chicks to a broody?


16 Years
May 17, 2007
Has anyone tried this? I have one 3 week old chick and 8 one week old chicks. The hen that they were supposed to be under quit being broody and moulted when the eggs arrived
but now about a month and a half later she is very broody again. I was wondering about trying to slip the chicks under her tonight and see if she'll accept them? She is part silkie and part d'Uccle, and spends her entire life going from one broody phase to another. She has been broody for about 5+ days ... I could always go and count the broody poop to be sure
I only have two hens and when Cleopatra is broody she overrules Amber since she is so fierce. So let me know what you think and if you've done this
One of my Silkies hatched two eggs Sept 21st. I kept her in a brooder in my dining room because every time she came out for that 20 minute feed and water, the roo just would not leave her alone. She hatched the chicks and I kept all three in the brooder until the chicks were a month old. Mean while, one of my other Silkies was brrody and had been sitting for about two weeks (no eggs there). I was trying hard to break her of her brooding but to no avail. However, when I put Big Mama and her chicks back in with the flock, my little broody Silkie took over where Big Mama left off! The chicks now follow her around (she's out and about as normal now) and sleep under her wings and she is fiercely protective of the chicks. What a great Aunt!
I would try putting half of the one week olds under her. If she accepts them, I'd put the other 4 under the next night.
I wouldn't bother with the 3 week old other than it being lonely. My broodies don't do much with them after 3 or 4 weeks.
I am concerned about getting them all integrated and don't want to have to look after one chick - the whole reason I got the extras was so the older one wouldn't be on its own.... I'd either add the whole lot ( in stages if I can) or not at all.... I was wondering about the older chick.... trying to figure out what to do. Is there anyway that older chick would be included? It would need the warmth of mamma out there as it is really cold now especially for little ones...
I'd put the 3 week old in with her first and keep the little ones in a brooder under a heat lamp until they're a little older and able to run away from harm. When I put my two chicks back with the flock I used one of hubby's cardboard beer boxs, taped it shut, added some fine pine shavings, and put a little door in one side. It was somewhere that the chicks could get away from danger if needed as only they could fit through the door. I had it in the run for about a week until I knew the chicks were safe. Hope that helps. Good luck!
It will probably work either (older first or younger first) way but adding a heat lamp for the older one is a good idea.
I had a 2 week old spend a 36 degree night out alone in the woods and is fine now.
I was also thinking of adding the 3 week old first (all the chicks are together in a brooder at the moment and all get on great) and then the next night add some of the little ones... and pray unceasingly

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