Introducing a duckling


5 Years
Mar 15, 2014
East Texas
I want to introduce Popcorn (2 wk old duckling) to my 4 other ducks, BUT things aren't going so well. He gets hissed at and they lunge at him. What can I do?
I don't want them to hurt him. He won't be staying with them for a month or so, but I don't want them to gang up on him. BTW not sure on the "he" part just need to call it something...
You will have better luck getting an answer over on the duck forum.

Two weeks is still a little young. I would wait until s/he is about the same size and introduce through a fence so your adults can't harm him/her. I would still ask the duck experts though.
I know that 2 months is too early, but I like to take him in the pen just to get used to other ducks (he doesn't have a buddy) but he will never get used to them if they just don't like him
I know that 2 months is too early, but I like to take him in the pen just to get used to other ducks (he doesn't have a buddy) but he will never get used to them if they just don't like him
Is s/he 2 weeks old or 2 months? Can you crate him/her in with the others so they can see but not touch?
Ducks take a little while to warm up. I would put him where they can see him but not reach him... the crate idea is good. Ducks are curious, they will investigate. Let him swim supervised in their pool etc. Let them see you giving him treats. When he gets their size you can try reintroducing where they can see each other, at that time they will probably be hanging out with him/her around her crate anyway =)
My experience with them is they need to either be introduced as small ducklings - so one of the ducks claims them, or they need to be introduced after they've feathered out and are starting to sexually mature - drakes tend the beat the heck out of immature hens - they want to mate, the girls don't yet

Two weeks isn't old enough that the drake is going to be a problem, but it may be too old for one of the girls to adopt it.

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