Introducing chickens to coop/yard but heatwave coming??

Thank you! That’s all great to know. I’ll go make some ice things now and hopefully it will be good to go when we are ready to put them out. I attached pictures, they aren’t the best angles. There is shade (I’m sitting under it for one picture so you can see it), I have to figure out shade for the other side of the run—maybe just some pallets raised up for now. The coop has the windows (which we will add something to cover them when winter comes) and the two vents on each side, one window with the fan. And then the screen door thing that the metal doors close over.
I used to refill and freeze used water bottles. Then put one in each foot bath and water fount.
I also filled and froze plastic lettuce containers and put a big chunk of ice in the big rubber foot baths.
I no longer do that since the breed I raise doesn't seem to be bothered by the heat. They ignore the foot baths.

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