Introducing chickens


In the Brooder
May 18, 2020
Hi everyone. We are new to raising chicks and fell in love immediately! I have two Cochin's that are 10 weeks old and living in our coop. We went out and bought 6 more shortly after that are going on 4 weeks. They live in my house right now. When is a good time to introduce them? Also, when they are coop ready can they share with my older two?

Hi everyone. We are new to raising chicks and fell in love immediately! I have two Cochin's that are 10 weeks old and living in our coop. We went out and bought 6 more shortly after that are going on 4 weeks. They live in my house right now. When is a good time to introduce them? Also, when they are coop ready can they share with my older two?

I would keep them in a brooder for about a month so they can stay warm and get healthy with all the right food etc. Crushed pellets which will have a lot of vitamins so they can grow better and get stronger. Also you can get a water drinker which is cheap to buy. After a month you can put they outside in a warm place out of the wind and they can also have a choice to go outside. I would introduce them to the others at around 2 months old. They will start laying at around 4 and a half months and 6 months considering the type of breed and the place that there kept. Hope this helps
Hi, and welcome to BYC! I am so glad you joined! :frow I would start to introduce them soon, and I usually do about 10 or more days of the chicks being able to see each other, and then I slowly integrate them. There will probably be some squabbles, but not enough fights to draw blood. And I would agree with N F C that it depends on how big your coop is.

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