Introducing chicks to broody hen

We only waited about 6 days...but she was a good mom last fall with a clutch she hatched, so we decided to give her chicks this time. We tried giving her a chick in the late afternoon and she pecked it to death. Later that night be put the rest under her and she accepted them without any trouble.
This is a young hen and first brood. I tried early fault for not reading up and she was fine for a bit but then started pecking so pulled them all out. Did some research and waiting till tonight but a bit ago I put a couple under her and she kept pulling them out by their legs after about 10 minutes. Dont want them to get hurt. Have them all here in the house. She is in a big box and have chicks in a smaller box within that box. She has been broody about a week. She is setting on 2 eggs but from today that she claimed as I have no roosters and she has been setting on golfballs and other hens eggs which I gather every night.
you need to place them after dark when she has hunkered in for the night, just place the little ones right next to her without disturbing her, but check on them at first light and often. How old are the chicks?
Wanted to give an update.....found out chicks were 2 days old and tried last night very late to put chicks in and within less than a minute she was attacking them so pulled out left them in same box but seperated and kept her quiet and isolated with just sound of chicks etc all day hoping the sound of chicks put her in mama mode and out of mean broody mode. Tried again tonight and same thing. So no mama:( and she got put in kennel with no creature comforts except food and water done with her mean ol tail...anyone else had this happen or is it something I did?
Wanted to give an update.....found out chicks were 2 days old and tried last night very late to put chicks in and within less than a minute she was attacking them so pulled out left them in same box but seperated and kept her quiet and isolated with just sound of chicks etc all day hoping the sound of chicks put her in mama mode and out of mean broody mode. Tried again tonight and same thing. So no mama:( and she got put in kennel with no creature comforts except food and water done with her mean ol tail...anyone else had this happen or is it something I did?
Sounds perfectly normal. First, she really didn't sit on her "eggs" long enough to be switching from "sitting on eggs" mode to "taking care of chicks" mode. Secondly, the chicks were a little bit older. Thirdly, it was her first clutch, so she really didn't know what to do with them and didn't have that 24 hour period when the chicks were out of the shell but resting to switch her brain over and figure out what to do. Lastly, this isn't really an easy thing to do. Grafting chicks always requires an element of luck.
I have been very lucky slipping chicks under a broody. However, I have always waited until it was pretty darn close to the 21 days of broody.

When the broody begins to hear the cheeps, her voice should change, and she should begin talking to the babies. It helps if the babies are a little cold, cause they will burrow into that nice warm spot, and stick tight like a tick in there. I just slip them on her back, and they disappear.

For best results, get as freshly hatched chicks as possible, as they need to do their part, and get the mama imprinted on their brains, and stick with her. The broody should be broody for at least two weeks.

I have been very lucky slipping chicks under a broody. However, I have always waited until it was pretty darn close to the 21 days of broody.

When the broody begins to hear the cheeps, her voice should change, and she should begin talking to the babies. It helps if the babies are a little cold, cause they will burrow into that nice warm spot, and stick tight like a tick in there. I just slip them on her back, and they disappear.

For best results, get as freshly hatched chicks as possible, as they need to do their part, and get the mama imprinted on their brains, and stick with her. The broody should be broody for at least two weeks.

How many chicks should i try to graft? my broody is a Golden Comet and it's her first time. I ordered a bunch online. Barred Rocks, Leg Horns and Rhodes Island Reds, 5 of each.

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