Introducing Chicks to Chicks?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 3, 2013
Hi! :) We got 8 baby chicks recently. They're 2 weeks old now. One died and we're questioning the breeds we got, so my question: Would it be a bad idea to bring in one or two more day-olds to the two-week flock? (Some of the two-weeks are very small, like as small as they were at one day. Others are huge. The huge ones don't pick on the tiny ones, though.) Thanks!
If you were going to bring in some more, I'd get at least 4, because 1 or 2 are going to have a rough time integrating. This is just my opinion. How big a coop do you have? No matter what kind of chicks you get, there's going to always be a breed you still want. That's how chicken math works. Perhaps you might want to keep the other breeds on your list for next time?? Enjoy your babies.
It almost completely depends on the personality of the bigger chicks in my opinion. My bigger Orpington chicks were a bit brutish to the others but she grew out of it.
Lol, chicken math!
Very true! I think you are right, maybe we'll wait until next year. Altough, the main reason we are considering getting a couple more is because we are worried about the breed, if we can show it for 4-H or not. We have ameraucanas and welsummers, which of course lay non-industry standard colored eggs. So if we were to get more, we would probably get a light brown or white egg layer. Anyway, we'll think about it a bit, not quite sure what to do yet.
If u plan on getting chickens that lay brown or white eggs next year or whenever I suggest Orpingtons and Leghorns, they were some of the best birds I've had:)

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