Introducing chicks to the treadle feeder


Apr 14, 2020
Boston, MA
We just integrated our 10-week old chicks into our existing flock. Last fall we transitioned our flock to a treadle feeder, and we trained them to use it by gradually going from having the feeder open all the time, to having it half open so they get used to the motion of stepping on it and having the lid rise and fall, to being closed and only opening when they step on it. The littles have their own feeder for now (which the entire flock eats out of, of course), but will I need to do the same training steps for these littles, or will they learn to use the treadle feeders from the bigs?
Just bumping this back up. I haven't seen any of the littles eat from the treadle feeder, but I also haven't been watching them as much as I did their older sisters.
Treadle feeders can be quite dangerous for chicks. I wouldn't allow them access to a treadle feeder until they are at least three to four pounds. Treadle feeders are for full sized birds, at least adult banties and silkies can mooch from the side when another bird is eating, but chicks, no way Jose.

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