Introducing dogs to cows


Spicy Sugar Cookie
7 Years
Apr 26, 2017
The moon
Because of COVID-19 my family is trying to be more self-sufficient, and after many weeks of careful planning, we are finally getting our cows. We are picking them up tomorrow at seven pm (we are getting two males, about a year old I believe). The only issue is our two collies (Beau is three years old, and his son Charlie will be a year old in 5 days). They go nuts over cows! If they hear one moo on television even they start barking. My mom is very concerned that they are going to scare the cows (who come from a household with a quiet older hound) who may bolt and wreck the fence, and we live on a road where people drive very fast so it would be bad if they got in the road. Does anyone have any advice on how to properly introduce them so that neither dogs nor cattle freak out? I was thinking begin by letting the leashed dogs sniff the trailer with the cows inside first and calm down, and then let the cows out with the dogs on leashes until they calm down/stop barking. We’re fully confident that they will eventually get used to them, but we’re just worried about the initial meeting. Any advice is appreciated!
How good of handle do you have on the dogs? Your going to have to have control of the dogs until they get used to the cattle and no longer want to chase them. It would be best to work with one dog at a time while getting them used to the cattle.
So here are our cows! One male (front) and one female (back). The introductions went much better than we anticipated! Charlie barked a bit but settled down after a while, Beau seemed a bit nervous (he probably dreamed of catching a cow his whole life but I think they’re bigger than he thought!:lol: ) This morning they are out off leash and are not paying much attention to the cows. So I think all’s well!
So here are our cows! One male (front) and one female (back). The introductions went much better than we anticipated! Charlie barked a bit but settled down after a while, Beau seemed a bit nervous (he probably dreamed of catching a cow his whole life but I think they’re bigger than he thought!:lol: ) This morning they are out off leash and are not paying much attention to the cows. So I think all’s well!
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Very nice!

It is a relief that the dogs are doing well

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