Introducing my supermarket egg quail


Highly quailified
Nov 28, 2020
Honolulu, HI

View attachment 2555654

It is a pretty big one. I'm hoping an Italian jumbo.
I got it from a store named Don Quixote. If it's a roo, I'll name it that. If it's a hen, I'll name it Dawn Quixote. I'm honestly surprised. Three of the five eggs (60%) went into the incubator and two hatched out just fine (The second one suffocated itself under a blanket, partly my fault).

Anyway, I wanted an Italian to round out my flock so I'm super psyched!

Here it is, 10-days old. It looks more snowy than Italian, but it's still early. Either way, I like the pattern.

These birds are growing faster than my past ones -- must be the gamebird starter.
One of my favorite memories was bringing a huge food dehydrator home with my sister from Daiei/Don Quijote on our bikes. I loved shopping there! What a cute quail to boot! Congrats!
One of my favorite memories was bringing a huge food dehydrator home with my sister from Daiei/Don Quijote on our bikes. I loved shopping there! What a cute quail to boot! Congrats!
Just an FYI, but grey on grey is really hard to read. I'm not sure if you have a different colour scheme on your system, but this is what is seen in the default view.
Yeah, interesting--I never changed it (from the default) to my knowledge! I have a dark color scheme so it doesn't blind my eyes, but that shouldn't change the text color on here. Thanks for letting me know! (I will try to change it!)

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