Introducing new chickens to flock


May 30, 2018
Hi there. I currently have 6 one year chickens and have gotten a pair of Japanese Bantams. My original chickens are Black Cooper Marans and Cream Legbars which are regular sized birds. How should I go about introducing the new adult birds ? They are already full grown however they are a smaller breed. Also, my originals are free range during the day. Can I start letting the new ones free range with them too?
I would personally do a "quarantine" period if you haven't already to be sure they are disease free. I typically introduce at night once everyone is settled down...much less commotion that way! Congrats on the new ones and good luck!
How long do you normally quarantine the new chickens before introducing them to your flock?
I would personally do a "quarantine" period if you haven't already to be sure they are disease free. I typically introduce at night once everyone is settled down...much less commotion that way! Congrats on the new ones and good luck!

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