Introducing New Chickens


Jun 10, 2020
Help. This is my first post. I’m just unsure what to do and am after some advice. I had a flock of 5 layers and now only have one left. Unfortunately the one left is the matriarch of the flock and named “Bossy Bitch” as she picked on the other ladies. She is lonely now being the only one left and comes up to the house to talk to her reflection in the windows. Should I get anymore chickens now, to increase my egg supply and also for our enjoyment, or should I wait until this poor lady is no longer with us? Thanks everyone.
You can get more chickens, but as a precaution, kerp them quarantined for 30 days away from your other hen, to make sure you didnt bring something home that could pass to her.
After 30 days, you can start introductions by maybe doing a separation in the coop where they can see but not touch each other and after a few days or week, let them in together and mingle.
There will probably still be some feather ruffling and pecking, picking on, and chasing, since the pecking order will be established with the new hens.
But it will be worth it.
I don't know but I just wanted to say that once my duck had two girls and they both died. He would then go to the cars and look at his reflection.
Sorry that I have no help...
Just wanted to share

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