Introducing New Chickens

Tia Z.

In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 23, 2009
I have three chickens (one Buff Orpington, 2 Rhodie Island Reds) and I would like to have a few more. I started with six but after a few tragedies, I only have three and their dynamic has changed. Two of them wont go in the coop at night anymore, they nest on top instead and they peck at eachother.

Any advice on successfully introducing new chicks or chickens?
I'd say it sounds like you had a vistor a couple of times! I would think you need to renew there confidance in the coop and take some measures to secure that area before you intoduce new birds that will be un aware of the problem before they live with the previous problems. The new birds being nieve to whats going on might not make it long if its not more safe.It also might be a plus they don't pick up some of there current habits.
That is what is so confusing, their coop area is completely secure. I lock them in their coop at night and then lock them in a dog run. But you are right, the neighbor's dog got to them during the day when I let them out to free range. If I had the money I would completely fence off my 10 acres of property. I know it was traumatic for them though which is why their behavior has changed. I think I might try raising the coop a little higher off the ground. Maybe a second coop for the new chicks will be a good idea too.

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