Introducing new chicks


Feb 20, 2018
South eastern Ky
So I just called a local feed store and they are going to have silver laced Wyandottes!! They will have the Easter Eggers about 10 days later. I was just going to get just EE but since I started looking at the different breeds I have wanted wyandottes!! My question is if I get some SLW and 10 days later some EE do I need to keep them separate until I can introduce them in the coop or can I just add the EE when I get them. I am so excited right now!! The tractor supply just have the general of chicks. BR RIR SL and bantams. I am so excited I can’t stand myself! I know my friends are tired of hearing about me wanting chicks and think it’s silly but I guess I am just a silly person! My bf is just happy that it gives me joy. I suffer from depression and it isn’t often I get excited or happy about something.
I read somewhere that you can put them together by moving your hands over in the brooding bin, turning up the litter and making a huge commotion, it might sound bad but you have to freak out the chicks and scare them, but then while they are freaking put and you’re waving your hands and scaring them, out the new chicks in and keep up the commotion for a second, then stop and let them relax. They will be so relieved that they will barely notice the new chicks.
10 days shouldn't be a problematic age gap. I'd be leery of anything over 2 weeks like @Blooie said, but as long as the age gap is that small there shouldn't be a problem. I totally understand wanting SLW- what beautiful chickens!

My only notes/ suggestions are to make sure that you have plenty of brooder room, as well as plenty of room at feeders and waterers. Your brooder should be big enough that if a problem did arise, they'd have space to get away from each other. Also, the more space you have the less likely it is that you'll have to deal with problems from crowding like picking and bullying. Keep in mind, too, that some things will depend on how many of each breed you'll be getting; if you get drastically fewer EEs than SLWs, you're much more likely to have a problem than if they were in closer to equal numbers (or if the EEs were the majority.)

Good luck, and I hope you have fun with your chicks (once they arrive)!

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