Introducing new duckling to week old duckling


Apr 1, 2017
A week ago me and my girlfriend decided to adopt ourselves a Black Swedish duckling from a farm. He had just hatched right before we got there so he imprinted on the two of us very quickly. We named him Happie and this past week he has lived up to his namesake. We always planned on adopting another duckling so that Happie won't get lonely when we're not able to be around. So today we adopted a Blue Swedish duckling and decided to name him Tempest. We got Tempest from a pet store and he was with a batch of ducklings who we were told are 3-4 days old and were apparently not given as much water as they should while they were in transit to the pet store. We did our research and found that it should be fine to put them two together right away since Happie is barely a week old. The first problem is is that ever since we've introduced Happie to Tempest Happie has been pretty standoffish around him. It's sad because we think that since Tempest has been around other ducklings he is expecting Happie to watch over him because he follows Happie EVERYWHERE, but Happie is giving him the cold wing (ha!). The second problem is that Tempest isn't eating half as much as Happie was at his age, could that be because he is scared of Happie? Would it also be possible that Happie is afraid of Tempest since he is the first duck he has been around. Should we speperate then until a tempest gets a little bigger? Here is some pictures of the both of them and their size difference.
A week ago me and my girlfriend decided to adopt ourselves a Black Swedish duckling from a farm. He had just hatched right before we got there so he imprinted on the two of us very quickly. We named him Happie and this past week he has lived up to his namesake. We always planned on adopting another duckling so that Happie won't get lonely when we're not able to be around. So today we adopted a Blue Swedish duckling and decided to name him Tempest. We got Tempest from a pet store and he was with a batch of ducklings who we were told are 3-4 days old and were apparently not given as much water as they should while they were in transit to the pet store. We did our research and found that it should be fine to put them two together right away since Happie is barely a week old. The first problem is is that ever since we've introduced Happie to Tempest Happie has been pretty standoffish around him. It's sad because we think that since Tempest has been around other ducklings he is expecting Happie to watch over him because he follows Happie EVERYWHERE, but Happie is giving him the cold wing (ha!). The second problem is that Tempest isn't eating half as much as Happie was at his age, could that be because he is scared of Happie? Would it also be possible that Happie is afraid of Tempest since he is the first duck he has been around. Should we speperate then until a tempest gets a little bigger? Here is some pictures of the both of them and their size difference.
That is a pretty big difference in size, I am surprised Happie hasn't picked on the lil one. And yes Happie maybe afraid of Tempest.. And like you said hasn't been around other ducklings so unsure of how to act. Can you do this divide the brooder in half with something they can still see each other through that way until Happie gets use to Tempest and Tempest grows a bit he/she will be safe. Tempest will learn fro Happie and eventually they will be best buds but it takes a while. So once you get them separated give each a stuffed animal to cuddle with to sleep makes them feel more secure. and when you have time lat them be together on the floor but don't push Happie just let him get use to tempest in his own time. He will. They sure are cuties.. @RobzNCaps

In this link there is great info and also a pic of a homemade waterer that is safe for ducklings because chick waterers are not the best for water fowl they need to be able to dunk their heads to keep their nares and eyes clean.
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Yeah I think Happie is a little too big to only be eight days, but this is our first time with ducks so i dont know for sure. He hasnt picked on him so mu h as get competitive when they eat and try to eat food or water off Tempest's beak. I divided the brooder but i guess theyve grown on each other because Happie keeps jumping over the divider to be with Tempest or eat his food and Tempest kept trying to jump the divider as well to be with Happie. I decided to take the divider away and things seem to be going good between the two

I also built them another waterer as well with two different holes so they can both drink in peace. Thank you for that because Haps was just getting too big for his waterer and has been spilling water everywhere lol
Yeah I think Happie is a little too big to only be eight days, but this is our first time with ducks so i dont know for sure. He hasnt picked on him so mu h as get competitive when they eat and try to eat food or water off Tempest's beak. I divided the brooder but i guess theyve grown on each other because Happie keeps jumping over the divider to be with Tempest or eat his food and Tempest kept trying to jump the divider as well to be with Happie. I decided to take the divider away and things seem to be going good between the two

I also built them another waterer as well with two different holes so they can both drink in peace. Thank you for that because Haps was just getting too big for his waterer and has been spilling water everywhere lol
Visualizing Happie and Tempest wanting to be together made me smile. Hap jumping over the divider and Tempest trying, I am glad they are doing so well together. Sounds like 2 good friends now.

Keep us up dated on how they are doing.. With lost of pics too. @RobzNCaps
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